Project proposal: Andre

My research question is Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state? What I would like to teach my audience about my research question is why should Puerto Rico be apart of statehood. In addition to helping other Puerto Rican students and people outside in the real world on what is preventing statehood from being achieved . My initial audience I want to target are students who are Puerto Rican like myself and other’s in the real world who are Puerto Ricans. Maybe it comes across their mind on Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state, In addition to having lots of question’s also. Two genre choices I had in mind were to be a podcast and an interview. I believe an interview will be my main selection because I can interview my family members based on my research question. Specifically with my mom we had a great time debating and having discussions along with one another while I was on vacation in Puerto Rico. I intend to fulfill my plans into watching other interviews and observe several movements with body language and tone. Body language and tone are important as I want to initiate a good gesture of wanting to hear from those who I interview. Being on time, making sure I create more time with myself and being consistent are my main concerns. Without good time management my project will be a disaster and I do not want to give a bad impression to professor Wu of not giving my 110% all into unit 3. Mateo: Changes in Work World Post-Pandemic Is the mentor text I would like to use for my project and study from it as well.

6 thoughts on “Project proposal: Andre”

  1. Andre:

    Your mentor text must come from the Unit 3 assignment. Look at option to create an interview or option to create a podcast. There you will see Mentir Texts. Choose from there.

    — DO NOT choose from the genre project resources page. Those are student examples and they are not Mentor Texts.


    Prof. Wu

    1. Professor wu I’ve acknowledged the error I’ve made due to misreading the announcement. I will do my best to fix that mistake and revise the proposal.

  2. why Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state? don’t understand why that needs to happen, what are the benefits  Puerto Rico be apart of statehood. maybe should be apart what you will teach there other  real world who are Puerto Ricans there “fake” Puerto Ricans. and the “Real world” . why do you want to do a podcast  you did give a reason for it, is the same reason for a interview.

    Manuel — you need to clean up your writing. It’s hard to understand exactly what you mean although I do see that you are thinking in giving advice here. PROOF READ!

  3. Andre:

    STATE YOUR MESSAGE LOUD AND CLEAR: My message is that Puerto Rico should be the 51st state of the USA.

    You write that your audience will be “students who are Puerto Rican like myself and other’s in the real world who are Puerto Ricans.” PROBLEM HERE — don’t you think these people are already have an opinion: OF course they think PR should be a state!

    YOU YOU ARE CONFUSED ON PICKING A MENTOR QUOTE! You are in the wrong place for mentor texts!

    SO WHO IS YOUR REAL audience? Who should hear your message? WHo can really effect a change? THINK HARD HERE.

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