Project Proposal-Jason

My research question is: “What are the historical events and circumstances that led to the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia?” My message is to educate people on why the current war of Ukraine and Russia is happening. I want to show people what has occurred in the past that led to this current event. The audience I am trying to reach is the general public and mostly Ukrainian-Americans/Russian-Americans. The majority of people do not know the past which has led to the present. Some people do not know what is happening to their country despite the fact it is a trending topic. When people understand the past, it will be easier to understand the present situation even if you are not from that country. For my genre, I am choosing op-ed. An op-ed is a good and genuine way to express my opinion for a topic I truly care about. It can also influence public opinion by providing evidence to support my position on this topic and persuade the reader. I plan to start my op-ed by writing who Vladimir Putin is (the President of Russia) and who Volodymyr Zelensky is (President of Ukraine). I also plan to talk about what is currently happening in Ukraine that has started from the Russian forces. I will use the mentor text “It is a Delusion to Think Having a Gun in the Home Makes us Safer

4 thoughts on “Project Proposal-Jason”

  1. I like your research question but i feel like you describing it to much it could be like What led to the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia?” historical events and circumstances  could be part of your plan using the events that lead to that. the use of “Some people do not know what is happening to their country despite the fact it is a trending topic.” think important it a little extra. the next line is should be the main focus “When people understand the past, it will be easier to understand the present situation even if you are not from that country”. that feel like main point and who your trying to reach out to people not from Ukraine or Russia.

    1. VERY GOOD POINTS FROM MANUEL (Manuel — there are some typos — can you clean up your comment?).

      Jason please consider his points.

  2. I have been interested in your research question for a while, and I’m looking forward to seeing how you’ll present your project with facts and knowledge. I would like to hear more of your own personal thoughts and feelings on this scenario between Russia and Ukraine

    1. Andre: You must make meaningful comments! No more just this is good type of comments. Remember we have talked about this. Use your critical thinking to help this student see some thing he might not have seen. No credit for this type of peer-commenting!

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