Mentor Text Analysis Podcast—AJ

Adam Conover hooks the audience by introducing a brand “Patagonia” that everyone is familiar with. He then goes into what the company is known for and what the owner of the company has done. Conover then gradually transitions to his informative opinion by inserting his personality with a little comedy before proceeding into the facts. As he begins explaining his points he incorporates research behind it. For example he brung up a NYT article written about Patagonia and quoted exactly what the article said and explained how what was stated in the article was falsely portrayed. Conover integrated storytelling with analogies. He simply goes into examples/analogies so that the listener/watcher can begin to understand what he actually is saying. While watching the podcast I notice that he uses a lot of imagery to help the listener have a visual on what he is specifically talking about. He as well uses sound effects in the background to bring the video alive and entertaining, keeping the viewer engaged in his topic. Conover structured the podcast first by introducing the the topic of “Patagonia” donating his shares to a non-profit organization then goes to explain his thoughts on why Patagonia did it and his truth behind the act, he as well expanded this over 20 minutes. Conover target audience was I feel the people who felt that what “Patagonia” did was “so great” because he was going into very detail on why what “Patagonia did had a secret meaning behind it. He closes out his podcast giving a short summary on why he believes there isnt a such thing as a “good” billionaire. So aspects i would like to emulate from his podcast would be to integrate personality into it, show visuals so the audience can be more engaged, as well background effects, structure my podcast similarly, and lastly add a little personal aspect to it.

1 thought on “Mentor Text Analysis Podcast—AJ”

  1. Be more specific — explain what exactly is his hook. If he starts by introducing Patagonia — IN WHAT WAY does he introduce the company to catch the listener’s attention? WHY does it work or not work as a hook? BE MORE SPECIFIC! HINT — What is the title of this podcast episode? THEN THINK what kind of hook will you use to catch the audience’s attention in your podcast?

    You write:  “inserting his personality with a little comedy” OK — SO — can you describe his voice/his persona and why or why not that is effective. What kind of persona will you use to make your podcast?

    You write: “he uses a lot of imagery” SO — What exactly were the visuals that Conover uses? What exactly were the sounds/audio clips he uses? AND why were these elements effective or not? Remember with a podcast you will have some audio clips and if it is a video-podcast, then also you will have some visuals.

    How was the podcast structured? What were the parts 1, 2, 3, etc? How did Conover organize his information?


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