Possible Genres-Jason

RQ-What are the historical events and circumstances that led to the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia?

My three choices are Open-Letter, op-ed, Feature Article. An open-letter can be effective because it can address a organization or person to express concerns about the war and the impact of human life. A feature article can offer my audience a in-depth look into of the war that will be compelling to the reader to keep readers attention. An op-ed will offer my perspective on the conflict and possible ways to resolve this. It can also convey the international relations of this conflict.

2 thoughts on “Possible Genres-Jason”

  1. Jason:

    Please read the ENTIRE Unit3 assignment sheet. I believe you only lokked at the list…I actually did not give options for tiktok, instagram or twitter. LOOK AT THE OPTIONS and how they are described and at the mentor texts.

    Then you need more clear explanations of why and what you would do in each genre that you are considering.

  2. If you are sure that you want to produce a tik tok then you need to find a mentor text and ok it with me. IDK a good tik tok to use as a mentor text, so if you want to do tiktok then it’s your job to find a good mentor text for my approval. And it has to be an exemplary example.

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