Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes — Odalys

PART 3 – Reflection 

I agree wholly with the author Berliner and the information she presents on her feature piece. As a student I can personally connect to this, the reason being as Berliner states, “Teachers who concentrate on developing focus and good behavior because of the links to good academic performance, now need to take on board that developing curiosity could be even more important.” This quote is significant because I feel like most students are limited to the type of questions they may ask. In college your grade is broken down by participation, in some classes it’s 30% of your grade, in others it’s by day or by week. Some students ask questions to get the point not because they’re eager to know or learn. That comes from professors telling students, “No questions, we have to move on” or “I’ll answer questions at the end.” They lack to understand that when we have a thought or question it should not be suppressed because if we don’t understand the point then how can they expect one to perform or understand the material being taught? Instead of having one question, there’s now like 10 and at that point some of us give up because we have other assignments to complete. However, I don’t blame professors because like Berliner quotes, “They have so many targets to meet.” I believe the educational system is faulty and should encourage students to follow up on their curiosity for a better academic performance. 

Part 4 – Rhetorical Analysis 

The feature piece written by the author Wendy Berliner is an informative article. Its primary audience is the general public. However, the article also targets people whose expertise is in the educational field. Aside from Berliner being an author and award-winning journalist, she’s also the joint CEO of the Education Media Center giving her credibility. According to the charity their goal is to provide media outlets and the public with access to useful educational evidence and research provided by journalists with many years of experience in the field. Berliner publishing this article in The Guardian gives credibility because it’s a British newspaper with an educational category. Leading to Berliner’s purpose of publishing this article is by bringing more awareness on what works and what doesn’t in the education system.  

Part 5 – Notable Quotable 

“Teachers who concentrate on developing focus and good behavior because of the links to good academic performance, now need to take on board that developing curiosity could be even more important.” (Berliner Pg.2) 

“University of Michigan, says: “Promoting curiosity in children, especially those from environments of economic disadvantage, may be an important, under-recognized way to address the achievement gap. Promoting curiosity is a foundation for early learning that we should be emphasizing more when we look at academic achievement.”” (Berliner Pg.2) 

““School kills curiosity. When do children get to ask questions about things that interest them? As soon as they are at primary school they have to shut up and learn. It’s not the fault of teachers. They have so many targets to meet.”” (Berliner Pg.3) 

3 thoughts on “Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes — Odalys”

  1. part 5 is it paragraphs or pages both can be written in Pg second thing those aren’t the right paragraph it paragraph first 6 then 7 last 17 also you forgot include Matt Caldwell said for paragraph 17 .

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