RAB Proposal Paragraph –Bithiah

My research question is: How have negative stereotypes affected African American youths? This topic interests me because I am an African American, and I have heard a lot of negative stereotypes about African Americans. People say that African Americans cannot be wealthy, that Black men are violent, that African American students are not smart. For me, this is a significant issue that must be addressed; it is part of why social inequality persists. I already know that some individuals do not take the time to learn about or appreciate the cultures of others because of one bad example. People form opinions about others just because of the stories they hear about their ethnic backgrounds. We assume we know a person’s entire history and everything they enjoy doing because of one example in the news. These assumptions lead us to define people based on their racial background rather than their personality, and these practices are highly disruptive to a wide range of individuals. Our prejudices sometimes can prevent people from doing what they love and drive them to hide defining parts of their personality just to feel safe and welcome. People feel like they must suppress their traditions to be treated without discrimination. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are how negative stereotypes affect African American youths emotionally, how negative stereotypes influence their behavior, and how we can fix unconscious racism.

13 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph –Bithiah”

  1. I really like you research question and think it’s very different. You explained everything with enough detail. However, I feel like you can add a bit more as to why this research question interest you. Why is it meaningful to you? Have you experienced this? Have you witnessed it?

  2. I recognized a connection to our unit 1 text “Danger of a single story”, I’m interested in hearing more about your experiences and what stories you have as you further expand & develop your assignment.

  3. Bithiah: Your RQ is too wide.

    What group of people? Do you want to focus on African American stereotypes? NEgative stereotypes?

    What aspect of psychology?

    NARROW IT DOWN, like we did in class.

    Something like: How have negative stereotypes affected African American youth?

    THe rest of your proposal is good. I just think you could make your RQ more specific.

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