Success tips – Alexis Rodriguez

Tip 1: Finding Study skills that work for me is one of the most essential tips out there, especially since there has been experiences with teachers not teaching effectively themselves, making things more confusing or so forth it means that I have to step up and not rely too heavily on the teacher in regard to helping me learn. I must adapt to the situation presented in front of me and depending on the subject I have to use a specific stratedgy to learning/studying so I don’t have to stress being left behind so much in the class or at least have to worry about saying “it’s the teachers fault”. So I’m holding myself responsible as I rather have control over my own life and not depend on other people. This was especially clear during quarantine as many people have heavily replied on the teacher for teaching while they themselves barely studied as they thought online school would be easier. It’s only easier if you study in the first place, but also study correctly.  

Tip 2: To try new things isn’t a problem for me, however being stubborn while it plays a part in not trying new things, It definetely has delayed me from doing so. Being stubborn is a blessing and a curse depending on the situation. It may appear as a curse as it’s mostly associated with negative connotation as in not accepting the truth or in denial. However, it may be a blessing at times and it allows me to never give up and I can achieve the goal I have sought for so long. In regard to studying, it’s both. I may not want to try a new strategy even though I know I’m fully capable of doing that strategy. Then after trial and error I will eventually switch up my strategy and realize I have wasted time. I have to be more accepting and less stubborn. This also includes talking to people, since I will be in a new environment with no one I truly know yet I may feel like I may not be able to make new friends but I have to try and make new friends with classmates and collaborate with one another 

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