Douglass and Resilience – Alexis Rodriguez

“The first step had been taken. Mistress, in teaching me the alphabet, had given me the inch and n precaution could prevent me from taking the ell.” 
In other words, you give someone an inch they will take a mile. Opportunity opens in a variety of ways that must be taken advantage of. Some ways that opportunity may arise are in a subtle way. Despite that the ability to be treated fairly by the mistress as if there was no hierarchy then resorting to being treated as less than an animal has led to a craving. A craving that may only be filled with what was originally been received. To bear the bread of freedom, equality and to break the chain. That will satisfy not only the craving, but the hunger thousands and millions have pained as well as concived the thought of the hierarchy to end.  

One difficult part in my educational journey was the fact that I entered a class halfway through the year. During Senior year of highschool I had 3 AP classes, I wanted 4 however they advised otherwise because they thought students wouldn’t be able to handle 4 AP classes but mostly because another AP class I desired was intersecting with another class time. AP Statistics was a class that was very interesting but I didn’t want to give up so I continued through the year until I kept hearing students in the computer science class talk about it. Halfway through the year I demanded I be placed into that class. The principal thought It was a bad decision as I would have to catch up on all the work especially since it was AP. Despite the warnings I persisted because nothing would stop me from my passion for computer science. I got into the class, although I had to replace Ap Statistics for it. Now I had to learn a half a years worth of computer science. In all honestly wasn’t too difficult but was more tedious than anything. 

My “coping” strategy was having multiple friends I could collaborate with to provide me with advice, tips & strategies I could do to speed up the process. I entered calls with them and we worked on projects together, helping each other with questions and coding. It was good with people I knew due to the fact that knowing the other individuals makes it easier so there is always a lighter mood and no need to worry about saying something wrong and creating tense atmosphere. Another thing that helped me was studying, studying was no problem as I’m tech savvy and studying by trial and error has worked fairly well as I helped teach myself shortcuts. I also used youtube videos if needed as well examples that were available online.  

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