Resilience: Andre

During my years of high school(2016-2020) I’ve faced many challenges throughout the course of those years specifically family deaths, personal life issues, and even my own downfalls played a huge role in failures and success, But that didn’t stop me from achieving and striving for greatness to be the best version I can be moving forward. Facing many trails and tribulations I’ve overcome those hard fought battles and negative times to pursue greatness. 

My senior year of high school (2019-2020)I’ve faced many obstacles i had to overcome, with the loss of my great grandmother beginning of January, to my favorite basketball player kobe Bryant, Gigi, and her other teammates who’ve passed away to the helicopter accident, relationship issues with a significant other, varsity basketball and my low passing (65+) academic grades I’ve received I was not proud of myself at all. Those were my main challenges and obstacles I’ve battled and suffered from for over a year. with the addition of covid later changing school life for almost half the yeardown the road impacting my life more life became 10x miserable than what it had seemed before. 

However with motivation, high expectations and enduring through those obstacles I’ve fought through those battles finding my peace and happiness as time goes by. I preserved with music, Listening to Music helped me so much and having personal space played a huge role into me finding peace throughout my obstacles, Music makes me happy, listening to my favorite artists or going back through several old songs I’ve listened to as a child it bring back memories of happy times with myself, specifically before those obstacles memories I’ve enjoyed with my great grandmother, basketball and my significant other at the time it brought back peace to move forward and continue pushing through to graduate on time. I believe the decisions I’ve made as time went by it was the best thing I had going for myself, moving forward towards that because I use those same strategies for college now. Music brings me peace, it helps me meditate and keeps me focus on my tasks to not be left behind, it’s a everyday thing I must have music in order to keep myself going because without music i can’t function properly. 

The qualities I’ve found within myself is being more independent and learning how to coupe through the hard times alone, I understand the patience I needed to gain more of a understanding with self reassurance to accept that it is okay to feel every single little thing within my obstacles nothing lasts forever, as long I don’t stay stuck in the same spot and continuously questioning myself “why do I have to go through these specific moments” all it takes is time and patience. With patience I took advantage of studying myself one day at a time, such as discovering new ways to procrastinate to keep myself busy away from the hard times, finding new strategies as in trying new things to keep myself going and not overthink. These skills all help me now for school because I have successfully made sure I was mentally prepared incase I stress myself out due to Homework, class work, not understanding assignments. Music keeps me distracted from the negative side and as if it helps me concentrate more on my studies, my homework, and class work whenever I do have the chance throughout the day/night to read, understanding my notes and announcements. I’m glad I’ve overcame my obstacles with a more better peaceful life, no more sadness crying nights or self doubt within myself, my strategies more importantly is my everyday strategy to keep me going one day at a time!

1 thought on “Resilience: Andre”

  1. Andre: This is more liike a freewrite writing in very general terms. Instead I am looking for you to start some kind of a story about one time in your life when you were facing a very big unsurmountable challenge. What could that be in your Andre’s life? You mention a few events: “loss of my great grandmother beginning of January, to my favorite basketball player kobe Bryant, Gigi, and her other teammates who’ve passed away to the helicopter accident, relationship issues with a significant other, varsity basketball and my low passing (65+) academic grades.” FOCUS ON ONE, CHOOSE ONE, show me a scene from your life when you were almost failing OR when your grandmother died and you entered a period of life when your grief affected your school performance.


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