Reading Response Colin Powell β€” Bithiah

β€œRonald Brooks was a young black man, tall, trim, handsome, the son of a Harlem Baptist preacher, and possessed a maturity beyond most college students. Ronnie was only two years older than I, but something in him commanded deference. And unlike me, Ronnie, a chemistry major, was a brilliant student. He was a cadet leader in the ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) and an officer in the Pershing Rifles. He could drill men so that they moved like parts of a watch. Ronnie was sharp, quick, disciplined, and organized, qualities then invisible in Colin Powell. I had found a model and a mentor. I set out to remake myself in the Ronnie Brooks mold,” (paragraph 13).

This quote shows how Powell admired Ronald and wanted to emulate him. Powell was not intimidated by Ronald, he was not jealous of him, but he chose to learn from him. This quote also shows that Powell was humble. Powell knew the qualities he was lacking and wanted to improve himself. This is a rare attribute that Powell displayed.

3 thoughts on “Reading Response Colin Powell β€” Bithiah”

  1. Powell has interesting relationship with Ronald that isn’t really of emotional one. Their relationship it is of respect like an freshmen to a sophomore. I don’t Ronald as person all that talent why not use it ?

  2. I think you chose a good quote because Powell throughout the reading will bring up people but this seemed to be a person in his life that he felt more connected to and didn’t view superior but a role model.

  3. V good!

    Bithiah: You do good work and please be brave and speak up in class. I know you have good insights to share in class discussions. :). :).

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