Mentor Quote – Gilbert

“In my estimation, all that we suffer in the present time is nothing in comparison with the glory which is destined to be disclosed for us…” – Romans 8:18 

When I was younger I would think of school as something stressful, each assignment and each class something destined to cause me discomfort or boredom. I’d only believe myself when it came to this, especially when I had opposed any and all authority figures growing up. Each day in school was another day wasted. But when I began to attend church with my grandmother, she explained to me that people are designed to suffer through all things in life. We shouldn’t wish for easy lives, we shouldn’t wish for things to be handed to us, that is simply not how the world works. She would give me the most meaningful messages from the bible and her life experience, Romans 8:18 helped me recognize that through all the hard work and dedication I apply in life, I would learn to appreciate the process as a means to a result. This verse would carry over to me starting school again, as before I was clouded by self-doubt & resentment towards studies, but being able to believe in myself as long as I do what has to be done I know I’ll reach success. 

1 thought on “Mentor Quote – Gilbert”

  1. You need to do more than just quote the bible. Look at the assignment instructions for HW 5 and read read carefully.

    You do a lot of telling in general terms but you don’t SHOW me a time in yoru memory when someone said words that you remember to this day. Words that have changed your educational journey.

    Look at the example posts by Student Lisa and Student Adrian.

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