Reading response Colin Powell- Jason

“When I returned to school in the fall of 1954, I inquired about the Reserve Officers Training Corps, and I enrolled in ROTC. I am not sure why. Maybe it was
growing up in World War II and coming of age during the Korean conflict:
the little banners in windows with a blue star, meaning someone from the
family was in the service, or a gold star, meaning someone was not coming back. Back to Bataan, Thirty Seconds over Tokyo, Guadalcanal Diary, Colin
Kelly, Audie Murphy, the five Sullivan brothers who went down with the
cruiser U.S.S. Juneau, Pork Chop Hill, and The Bridges at Toko-Ri. All these images were burned into my consciousness during my most impressionable

This passage is significant because it sheds light on Powell’s motivations for joining the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) in college. The fact that Powell is unsure why he joined ROTC, but speculates that it may have been a result of his experiences growing up during World War II and the Korean conflict, is telling. The banners in windows, films, and books about the war all left an lasting impression on Powell, who was coming of age during these conflicts. This suggests that Powell was deeply affected by these events, and that they may have played a role in his decision to join ROTC. The passage provides insight into Powell’s character and how his background and experiences shaped his choices and career path. By joining ROTC, Powell may have been seeking to serve his country in a meaningful way, and to honor the sacrifices made by those who served in the military during the conflicts he grew up with.

4 thoughts on “Reading response Colin Powell- Jason”

  1. I like how you explained that Colin was unsure as to why he even joined the ROTC but due to the time he was brought up in might’ve influenced his decision. You also gave other reasons as why he joined the force.

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