Success Tips – Valon

The presentation on “Tips for College Success” was full of useful information targeting students who may have graduated highschool and have plans to exceed in their levels of education, or just any student attending college that may need some advice/tips in order to be the student they aspire to be.

Tip 1: After reading the presentation, tip number three has caught my attention for numerous reasons. This tip mainly focuses on the importance of participating in a classroom, justifying how it is more than just a grade. Whether a student is involved in class discussion, frequently answering questions asked from the professor, or offering a helping hand to their peers. All these examples of participation eventually lead to students being able to learn from one another and allows the teacher to understand our unique ideas as they may differ. I have always found that being involved in class has been a crucial factor in my way of learning. Whenever I felt like I didn’t fully understand a lesson, raising my hand to ask those questions that i thought would sound stupid to the people around me simply benefited me and even my peers. Some people are shy to join ongoing conversation in their classes but that doesn’t mean they aren’t listening, people may have the same questions as you leading to them being able to grasp knowledgable information off your questions that you asked. Something i’d like to do differently is engage in after school activities such as tutoring, office hours, and stay caught up with my professors to ensure that I am there for them if they have any questions or concerns.

Tip 2: Another tip within this presentation that is significant to me was tip number five. Tip five covers the worthiness of understanding deadlines, which in my case was a major issue due to me always procrastinating. There were times that i felt extremely overwhelmed with all the school work i had, sports i was participating in, and other things i had to deal with on a daily basis leading me to unfortunately fall behind because i wasn’t able to submit my assignments on time. But the consequences of my ‘laziness’ forced me to prioritize what was important, I began by re-evaluting school and figuring out what it would do for me. These slight improvements allowed me to get rid of distractions, keeping me focused. Another useful piece of information to me from tip five is where “What is scaffolding” is mentioned. This has now helped me develop a process where i could potentially enhance my abilities through practicing. The homeworks teachers assign to us students can be viewed as scaffolding in terms of building up to the next step (final essay/Exams). What i would like to do differently is view my classwork from this perspective as it will show me where i stand and what needs to be worked on.

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