Success Tips-Mouhamed Njie

I choose tip 1 because coming to school on time is very important because u don’t want to miss out on any of the work or the discussion in class. And if u do miss out on anything it’s hard to make it up because everyone is going to move past that lesson. Also coming on time can help u with your attendance because some people failed because of their attendance. while they were in a good class. Also your paying for the class to come late or to not even come is basically to waste your money. Or if you know you’re going to be late or u can’t make it on time u can email the professor to let her now. Also the teacher is not responsible for anything that u miss in class u would have to figure it out on your own.

Another tip that I like is tip 3 because participating can really help u boost your grade up a lot in class. Because u as the student raising your hand is letting the teacher now that u understand the lecture she gave u. Also u can build connections with your classmates because ya can always agree on the same thing or someone can add on to someone’s response. And it also shows how smart u are as a student to keep answering the questions that the professor asks. But for me I think I need to start participating more in class so the teacher now wears my head so she now I understand the content she teaching.

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