My name is Mouhamed Njie, and I am undecided right now at city tech. My name came from my grandfather that had passed away. However my name is only for boys only. But a girl can have my name if her husband got the name. And I was born and raised in the Bronx but moved to Harlem New York when I graduated High School. And my parents are from West Africa which is Senegal and they came to the United States to get better jobs to be able to feed us because in Africa there are not a lot of opportunities to be able to feed your whole family. And the schools in Africa are going to be able to help you get the job that you really like and there are a lot of options there so my parents chose to come here.


My favorite hobbies are playing basketball and playing video games with my friends. I’ve been playing basketball almost my whole life. I had dreams to go to the Nba but then I had come to realize that every year is a draft and only 400 people can be in it and there are people that workout way more than me a day then I said I am going to try something new. But I play basketball sometimes in my free time when I don’t have work or any homework to do. Also I had 4 siblings without my siblings. I don’t know where I would be because me and my brothers do everything together, play basketball, hangout and video games and I am the 2 child out of my 4 siblings. One interesting fact about me is I really love Jamaican food. I find it really good.

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3 thoughts on “My name is Mouhamed Njie, and I am undecided right now at city tech. My name came from my grandfather that had passed away. However my name is only for boys only. But a girl can have my name if her husband got the name. And I was born and raised in the Bronx but moved to Harlem New York when I graduated High School. And my parents are from West Africa which is Senegal and they came to the United States to get better jobs to be able to feed us because in Africa there are not a lot of opportunities to be able to feed your whole family. And the schools in Africa are going to be able to help you get the job that you really like and there are a lot of options there so my parents chose to come here.”

  1. Mouhammad: YOU MUST FIX THIS HW! PLEASE FIX THE LARGE TYP AND GET THE TITLE AND CATEGORY CORRECT. This is all explained in Announcements, as well as on the Open Lab Resources tab.

    Following instructions is a MAJOR part of what you must learn in this class!

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