
My name is Odalys Diego-Carrera, and I am majoring in Hospitality Management at City Tech. The origin of my name is not as intriguing as others. My parents just thought it was a nice name and labeled me it. However, I have learned that my name is unisex and for males it is written with an “i” instead on a “y.” Moreover, I am Mexican American, born and raised in NYC, and am the middle child. Something important and prioritizing to me is family, since I can remember I have always taken care of my family and am the translator, caregiver, organizer, and much more of my family. I have always put my family first and while it has had its impact on my future, I would not change it at all. Before I decided to major in Hospitality Management, I took a course and became a Certified Nurse Assistant. I realized that while it may not be something I see myself doing long term I knew I liked working with people. I enjoy servicing, interacting, and meeting people. 

My parents both come from a small town in Mexico, yet I was raised by a Dominican lady who comes from Esperanza, Dominican Republic. I view myself as fortunate to have grown up and learned about a different culture that I love. It was not until a few years ago I became more intrigued by my roots and culture. I learned more about its food, music, and beliefs. Ever since then I have made it my goal to educate myself and along help my little brother learn as well. To top it all off a random fact is that I love hello kitty and am a huge fan.  

5 thoughts on “Intro-Odalys”

  1. Dear Odalys:

    Yayy! Good for you — you are my first student to successfully post on the Open Lab this semester, and you did fine. I am sorry I did not see your earlier question about posting. I am guessing that you read the Announcements after I put it up and were able to use that to help you figure out how to post.

    I think Odalys is a lovely and original name. You sound like a mature and responsible young lady. I admire your family prioritizing and that you are already working as a nurse assistant. Hospitality Management could also be a way to take care of people. Will you focus on the cooking restaurant part or the hotel management part? I assume this is a picture of your family — but can you tell us: Who are the ppl in the picture and where was it taken?


    Prof. Wu

    1. Dear Prof.Wu,

      Thank you and yes I was able to figure it out. I really appreciate your feedback but to answer your questions, I will focus more on the aspect of the management part. While I love food, being a cook in the restaurant industry is not my interest at the moment but may change as I advance. Lastly, the picture attached are my parents and little brother, the picture was taken at Parris Island, South Carolina for my brother’s graduation from the United States Marine Corps.

  2. Jason

    I like the fact that you put your family first even if it will impact your future or impacts your day to day schedule. The way you took on a lot of responsibility for your family including translating is incredible. I could not do that with my family. Its a good job that you took and now your certifies as a nursing assistant

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