Letter Writing Assignment for Character Analysis and Close Reading

Prof. Ruth Garcia


You will need 30-40 minutes to complete this assignment. You will also need the novel. I recommend you type in a document and then copy and paste to OpenLab so that you do not lose your work. I also recommend you use a timer. Also, remember to categorize your post with the category “Tuesday 3/24” or I will not see it.  Finally, please let me know if you have any questions.

  1. Part I—Write for 15-20 minutes: The Color Purple is written a series of letters—this is known as an epistolary novel. You will choose a character in the novel who does not write a letter. Then pretend you are this character and writing a letter addressed to God from their perspective. In your letter, discuss and explain one of this character’s choices or actions in the novel. Use the following format for your post so that I have all the necessary information:

Character Name:

Choice or Action:

The letter:

  1. Part II—Write for 15-20 minutes: Once you are done with your letter, provide some notes to explain your choices. Your notes should point to a few moments the novel that establish the character’s qualities and ways of thinking and behaving. Then explain how these details influenced your choices in the letter. In your notes, quote or paraphrase from the text and include a parenthetical citation/page reference for each.

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