Reflection on the Rise & Fall of Penn Station video

Penn Station was definitely a structure of grandeur, through this video it shows the stations beauty and at the same time it showed the ordeal it took t o get this station up in the air. Cassatt took the inspiration from  the stations of Europe in regards to their electric trains that travel through long tunnels and causing little discomfort to its customers. Now Penn Station was great and in it creation, there succeeded the connection of their tracks in jersey to NYC and the connection of their newly acquired train line in Long Island (LIRR). So now, the question is why did GCT survive over Penn Station, I believe it dealt with the innovation of GCT’s architecture, its importance to its surrounding neighborhood, its pinnacle use in US history. But one of the major factors that helped save GCT was the destruction of Penn Station itself. New Yorkers truly realized what they had lost when Penn Station and so did a large portion of the nation and through this loss so many came together to fight for the cause of saving GCT and in result causing the formulation of NYC Landmark Preservation Commission. Penn Station lacked a large support from NYC citizens and the support from major celebrities, which GCT had and it was along with these two factors that helped propel its salvation forward. There also lies one more factor that differed between Penn Station and GCT and that was the fact that GCT had sub-connections to many of the surrounding buildings which allowed commuters/tourists to feel like they were in a city within a city (known as Terminal City).

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