Visit to Transit Museum and Archives

The visit to the Transit Museum and its archives has been an enlightening one. Curious questions thought throughout the years were answered in visiting this site such as how were tunnels built under the river for trains to go through? The answer is found in the following image…WP_20160617_018 I use this image freely because according to the person in archives, we are allowed to use images taken from the Transit Museum since most images were taken before 1923 are considered to be public domain.

Since I arrived about 2 1/2 hours before my scheduled time for the archives, I took my time in looking at photos and reading tags. The story of building tunnels for the “future” electric trains involved many elements that affected history including those of labor laws and the creation of unions.

This is one post out of two since certain information that has not yet been obtained is required. It is to be continued…

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