Video of Brooklyn Gentrification

As a class, we spent some fun time by watching a documentary of the Brooklyn gentrification that was produced a few years ago. The narrator and producer of the documentary was a local of the place herself when she was younger and had lived in Brooklyn for quite some time. After the announcements of the gentrification, the producer couldn’t help but to grab the opinions of others of this sudden change. It is sad to know that the people who grew up and had businesses around the area where the gentrification took place had to migrate to different areas due to the massive rent increase and other financial complexities. The construction of high luxurious condominiums caused all the surrounding buildings to also raise in price dramatically. While not all locals were affected by the sudden changes physically, many dislike the abolishment of history and lifetime memories left by their younger selves. Although some are fortunate to find new places to settle their businesses, many small businesses were left with defeat and were no longer financially fit to reopen. Every inch of New York City land is considered the valuable as NYC continues to expand in the favor of the rich. There’s a saying “As the poor have the possibly of becoming rich, the rich will always remain rich.”

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