Final Project Site & Podcasts

Final Project

For the final project the class will create a project site on the OpenLab to which everyone will contribute. Each team will have its own page on the OpenLab project site. The page will include a link to a 20-minute podcast (an audio recording), images, a link to the group annotated bibliography and podcast outline, as well as citations for images included.

Each team is responsible for the design of your project and for any sub-topics included. Within the team students will assume responsibility for a sub-topic as well as various roles including audio-sound, graphics & visualization editor, writer/editor, References etc.

Final Project Guidelines

In this project, each team will:

  • Collectively determine the form that their project will take
  • Develop project deliverables that reflect the audience and purpose of their project
  • Incorporate research from primary and secondary sources and appropriately cite sources
  • Articulate research findings as well as analysis and original work through writing, audio recording and visual documentation
  • Publish deliverables on the OpenLab project site
  • Present OpenLab project and podcast to class

Each group will be responsible for the content, format, and technical delivery of the podcast.

Examples of podcast formats include:

  • Historical Narratives
  • Walking Tours
  • Interviews
  • Panel Discussions

In addition to creating and editing an audio recording, each group will:

  • Strategically incorporate or reference at least two relevant resources.
  • Provide basic metadata for your podcast including at least three descriptive keywords.
  • Select a Creative Commons license to dictate how your podcast can be used by others.

This activity will be completed in 4 stages

  1. planning and prewriting
  2. research and script development
  3.  technical production
  4. reflection

Key Dates

Nov 28

  • List of deliverables Group Outline and script outline Drafts due

Dec 5

  • Annotated Bibliography drafts due, continued work on script and testing of technical production

Dec 12

  • Group Outline and script Final due – finalize technical production

Dec 19

  • Final Presentations / Peer Evaluation Final Projects posted to OpenLab / Final Podcasts and Annotated Bibliography Due