Monthly Archives: September 2018

Homework One: How is change managed in a city, and who manages that change? Do people have a “right” to the city?


Human history is all about improvements, we get out of the cave and lives in a tent, after that, we abandoned the tent then build house, and now it time to leave the house and move to building. In my opinion, a City is called City aren’t how many lands it had, neither of how it was built, but the density of the populations. It is normal to me that when the population of a City growth to certain level. The governor, people in charge of the power and wealth, need to find a way of expanding the City. Land is a limited resource, so making more buildings are the best way of expanding the City. Human are different than animal because we are intelligent, and language is one of the best ways to show human intelligent. For the long human history time, we had not lost our communication skill to severe condition, then why should we fear of loosing it just to move out of houses and be put in buildings. To be honest, does an open street safer then a close play ground or park? I believe a park or play ground surrounded with walls are safer. I’ve been in Hong Kong for couple days, stayed at one of my relative apartments. However, the place where my relative lived had no house, all buildings. To see a house, one need to drive a car for an hour. In those few days, I meet most of the family who lived in the same building and some of the people lived in another building near it. I had the feeling of the whole building is a big family, they help each other’s. just like the scene on the film “Citizen Jane: Battle for the City” when kids are playing on the street and parents watch them at the windows or in front of the doors. City is everyone’s City and community is everyone’s community too. We all have the right and the responsibility to make it better.