Tag Archives: visual notes

Preparing for our first site visit on Monday, February 6

In class today we reviewed the NYCHA Wikipedia article, learned about representations of buildings such as plans and elevations, learned about one-point perspective, and drew our footwear. On Monday, February 6 we will visit the site we’re studying and surrounding neighborhoods. Please meet promptly at 1 pm at the corner of Hudson Avenue and Plymouth Street. Bring an unlined notebook and pencils for sketching as well as your phone or a camera.

To reach the meeting place from campus, exit the college at 300 Jay Street and turn left. Walk down Jay Street, under the Manhattan Bridge overpass, and take a right onto Plymouth Street. It is just under one mile from campus; about a 15-20 minute walk. You can also take the F train to York Street and walk down Jay St. to Plymouth St., The B57 bus to Navy Street and Nassau Street or the B67 bus to Bridge Street & Front Street will also get you partway there.

On Wednesday, we meet in A543 as usual.  Please read the following pages in Visual Notes for Architects and Designers: Appendix: tools and techniques, pp.188-225. You’ll find a copy of the book on reserve in the City Tech library: NA2750 .C76 2012.