Tag Archives: urban renewal

Preparing site report #1 for next Monday, and short readings for Wednesday 2/15

In class today we recorded our thoughts about the site visit in this document and learned about urban renewal through a variety of case studies.

Your first site report is due, posted to the OpenLab site, on Monday, February 13. Here are the steps to open, complete, save, and upload your site report:

  1. Open the Google doc from this link
  2. save a copy with a new filename
  3. add your content (text and images)
  4. Save your site report as a Reduced Size PDF
  5. Post your site report to the OpenLab course site
    1. Once you are logged into the OpenLab, add a new post from the Dashboard or click the + sign > Post from the top menu
    2. title your post
    3. Add Media > Upload Files > Select your PDF > Insert into Post
    4. Be sure to click Publish on the right side of the screen

On Wednesday, February 15, we meet in A543 as usual. Please review the following websites:

Architectural Technology Subject Guide
How Search Works
Evaluating Internet Sources