Monthly Archives: May 2017
Art & Gentrification Wikipedia Edits
Con-Ed substation In Vinegar Hill
Wikipedia Contributions
Navy Yard Wikipedia Edits
Wikipedia Edits
Mark Yakub
I wrote a few sentences to the Quarters A, Brooklyn Navy Yard article and add links to make the article better. Also I added citation for some of the sentence I wrote in the article. Finally I uploaded two images to wiki commons.
Mohammad Rasouly
As, I worked on the Wikipedia and wikimedia common. I worked on the quarter A Brooklyn navy yard article and uploaded five pictures to the wikimedia commons. These pictures were taken by me during the site visit. These pictures were all from the Brooklyn Navy Yard site visit. I added three line information about the commander who lived in quarter A Brooklyn navy yard and added a citation to this article. The article was about Quarter A Brooklyn Navy Yard but it did not have any information about the commander who lived their. It was a good experience. I learned how to upload media, correct sites which I will continue doing in the future.
Armend Sela
I worked on the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I Wrote about the future of the Navy Yard in relationship with Vinegar Hill residents, because there are many new projects that are being developed within the Navy Yard that will have an impact on the surrounding communities. Most importantly, in my opinion, is the opening of the Wegman’s Supermarket.
Jarryd Fitz-Henley
I contributed to the Quarters A Wikipedia article. I provided the architectural origin and geographical location of the house. The article is very scarce and I plan on contributing more information to make it worth reading. I cited my sources as well. I will add images to wiki commons soon.
Wikipedia Edits Farragut Houses Group
Preservation and Development Wikipedia Edits
Linked below, please find the summary of our group’s Wikipedia Edits.
Moving ahead with final projects
Today the OpenLab welcomed the birth of the Vinegar Hill Gang, the new project site you all created and joined. On Wednesday, we’ll vote on a header image, avatar, and a theme for the site. We’ll spend time reviewing report development so far. Remember that we meet in A540, the large e-classroom.
A few people had questions about adding media to the Wikimedia Commons. To add your original photos, start at the Upload Wizard. Be sure to choose a license and assign Categories to the images you share.
For the final project, the class will create a project site on the OpenLab to which everyone will contribute. Each team will have its own page on the OpenLab project site. Each team is responsible for the design of your project and for any sub-topics included. Within the team, students will assume responsibility for a sub-topic as well as various roles including graphics & visualization editor, writer/editor, References manager etc.
Final Report Guidelines — In this project, each team will collectively determine the form that their project will take within the OpenLab:
- Consider the purpose and audience of their project
- Develop project deliverables that reflect the audience and purpose of their project
- Incorporate research from primary and secondary sources and appropriately cite sources
- Articulate research findings as well as analysis and original work through writing and visual documentation
- Determine appropriate graphic language and compositional modes
- Publish deliverables on the OpenLab project site
- Prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation to deliver and discuss in class
Key Dates
May 3: Finalize purpose and audience of the project, outline and list of deliverables
May 8 + 10: In class work on project
May 15: Project drafts completed + In class progress presentations (power point optional)
May 22: Projects live on OpenLab + Final PowerPoint/slide presentations due
May 24: Final presentations continue + reflection
Final Project Grading rubric
Clarity of project concept – 15%
Extent of research conducted – 20%
Extent and clarity of analysis of evidence pertaining to hypothesis, writing, and documentation/references – 20%
Final project deliverables – 15%
Clarity, logic and graphic presentation on the OpenLab – 15%
PowerPoint presentation and in-class discussion of the project – 15%