Tag Archives: print media_blogs

print media

According to both readings, incorporating technology and media has it pros and cons. Some pros are: information faster and accessible to there readers. However, cons may include, but are not limited to: money invested in media and technology and “how are organisations to survive financially?” (From Harringtonand Meade pg 9). The reason this questions arises is because of blogs and wikis,which allow people, like you and I, to becomes reports and comment and editinformation which also leads to who is actually accredited to write this information and if it is anyone, then all information we read should all be taken in with a grain of salt. In addition, writing some of these blogs is free and takes away from the qualified journalist and their paid job to inform the people.

Beforereading these two articles I was unaware of how much money is lost in literarymedia and how many people lose the credentials needed for writing andpublishing because so many use the freedom of the internet to create and editinformation. One of the concerns that arose in the Pavlik’s reading is that “…doctoredphotos and [manipulation of] news videos that [are] usually authentic to eventhe most experienced eyes.” Again, raises question to accurate information.