Tag Archives: power and research_research and politics

Power and research

This reading was by far, the most difficult reading, not because I didn’t understand what Martin was discussing, but because I could not focus on this as much as I have in our previous reading assignments.
On another note, Martin sound like a philosopher, he had different ideas on how research and knowledge should be incorporated in society or not, whether people should be involved in research or should it be only for the experts because they are completely trained in these fields and have the credentials needed to conduct proper research. However, with this elite group of people, that are allowed to conduct this research, the research is only available to a limited amount of people; peopled with power and money. He reminds me a bit of Badke in chapter one because information/knowledge were strictly obtained by the elite and whatever information they felt like sharing with the rest is what was known and all other knowledge was kept within the elite. Research is a “hierarchy” because it promotes power; and through this power people are allowed to make decisions and control.