To my opinion we have no privacy as soon as we click on the post button on any website. We generally sign up for coupons and discounts to some web site, they ask us to agree to the “terms and conditions.” I had taken one day to read the “terms and condition” of one third party provider and all it kept emphasizing is that personal information may be used by some other party and its agents. These days we are so internet savvy, many companies use the internet to transmit information, let alone some of these files get interrupted and find itself online, these same companies will not tell their customers about errors so the person is aware of their private information online. Example of such like in the 2010 New York Presbyterian patient information leak, the play station was secretly gathering personal information which found itself on the net, finally the collection of peoples location by Apple (iPhone 4). GPS locator is a great device but someone could map all trips you make and will be able to sell that information to another party even without your concern. These are just a few privacy concerns but they are lots more that have not being mentioned.
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