Tag Archives: MLA

Notes from today, and reading for Monday, 11/21

Today we talked about the rationale for documentation and citation. Your questions about the Hauptman reading brought up some issues that may never really be answered, which to me is evidence of careful thinking. In some cases, as for the question about common knowledge, any answer depends on the audience and context.

Remember, your research paper draft is due by 10 a.m. on Monday, November 21, either as a print copy handed in at the beginning of class, or as an attachment to an email to me sent by 10 a.m. Monday. You must submit each part of the research paper (proposal, annotated bibliography, outline, draft, final) to get credit for the paper. If you have questions about the assignment, please get in touch, and please do not wait until Sunday night.

On Monday, we’ll continue our discussion on documentation and address standards, methods and styles for citing text and non-text media. Please read chapter 9 of Badke and  browse the Purdue OWL’s APA and MLA Style sections. We will also talk a little bit about the final documentation project & presentation.

Slides from today are available here.

Have a productive weekend!
~Prof. Leonard