Tag Archives: Badke_ Search Engines_ google

Search Engine’s

Searching, for most people, is something we do daily. However, it is a frustrating task when you’re trying to find exactly what you’re looking for. According to Badke, searching is all about “keywords” and using them in certain ways like “OR” and “AND” and making sure that we don’t over load the search engine with too many words and make it more precise. Searching is necessary for all types of information and knowing exactly what database is reliable is essential. Liddy’s article on research mentions in query processor,”…the longer the wait for result, the higher the quality of results.” We are a nation that prides ourselves on quick information and we truly have no patients; but choosing time and getting more reliable information is necessary. Google may pride itself on sleepless engineers, however, I find when I search through Google, it’s like pulling teeth, trying to find the information I need.