Tag Archives: _original creativity

It is extremely clear that plagiarism is against the law and detrimental to one’s academic career. However, with that said in one of the readings “Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind” has made it very clear that sometime what we say may have been said once before, but we use it and make it our own because it is easier for us to explain something. For example in my previous blog I entitled it “Puppets dancing on a Sting”, I am certain that that phrase has originate somewhere else, but it makes it much easier for me to explain what I am trying to say. What we do is make something our own by using it in different context.

Furthermore, in the short video “The law is Strangling creativity” has made it evident that we are in a different age; the age of technology. He mentions that adults now, watched TV and the youth make TV, which is true. The youth use technology as a way of communication and creativity and that is something that may raise eyebrows because through creativity we sometimes use others work and change it to make it our own. This then leads to the issue of copy right laws, which are also plagiarism laws.