Author Archives: tarikclarke

Media in The digital Age

I was very disappointed in this week’s reading as I am usually able to relate in a sense of interest. It seems to me Pavlik is getting very repetitive and the language he uses in his articles does not make it any better. This article he basically talked about all of the different forms of media produced and posted throughout the common world through forms of audio and video. His choice in the specifications of what he thought was good quality definitely turned me away from the story. He is seemingly incorporating a lot of his opinions into the readings now, this I did not understand as I thought it was supposed to be informative. The topics were all over the place and hard to keep up with, he went from people who have been posting daily blog videos since 2005, to fan made star trek videos, to the history of ski jumping. Horrible, also very hard for me to stay focused. Maybe the next reading will be more interesting. Disappointed :(.
