Countdown to next week’s presentations

Just a few notes before we wrap things up for the semester:

Don’t forget that each student is responsible for a self evaluation and a group evaluation. See step #7 in the online documentation guidelines:

Evaluate your work on this project and the work of the other students in your group.
Self evaluation (minimum 200 words):
Group evaluation (minimum 200 words):
Each student in your group is responsible for writing an evaluation of her/his own work on this project and the work of others in her/his group. Please answer all of the following questions in your evaluations:
What project tasks did you complete on your own? How would you describe the amount of effort you put into your work on this project? What do you think your strengths were in your work on this project? How could you improve your work on this project?
What project tasks did you complete as a group? Was the work shared evenly between group members? How effectively did your group work together? What do you think the strengths were of the group’s work on this project? How could the group improve its work on this project?
Please type your evaluations and email them to me in a word processing document (not in the body of an email).

You must use presentation software, such as PowerPoint, to present the online documentation project. You can also demonstrate the site you built, or show screenshots from the site in your powerpoint slides. Refer to the presentation guidelines or contact me with any questions.

If your group wants to rehearse the presentation in A543, please contact me soon and we’ll figure out a time that works for everyone.

A few of you still have some late work to turn in. I’ll accept late papers, etc. until the end of the day next Wednesday, 12/21.

Good luck, everyone! As always, if you have any questions about the documentation and presentation assignments, get in touch with me by email, and please do not wait until Sunday night. Be sure that one group member posts a link to your group’s project on the course blog by 10 am on Wednesday, 12/21.

~Prof. Leonard

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