Writing first draft is going to be fun. The last time, I wrote a research paper was spring 2007. I have not written a research paper since then and that’s why it’s going to be fun. The reading assignments given to us, about the evaluation of information from web, will help me a lot in putting the research paper together. The readings are very informative and definitely I shall use them in my research paper. The strategy is to use focused information and detailed analysis of the data from reliable sources. I have some questions related to the research paper and I shall be in need of some guidance. But, that’s for later; right now, I am just focusing on the outline of the research paper and some internet sources for my research paper. The hardest thing is to find detailed information and internet sources.
LIB 1201 | Research and Documentation for the Information Age
Section 9950
Monday & Wednesday 10-11:15 am
Professor Anne Leonard
(718) 260-5487
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