Research Topic Proposal

Honestly it was very difficult to come up with a research topic propoasal. There were many options but I didnt want to be the person who just picked a topic and ended up being completely uninterested and wanting to change it mid research.(this has happened to me numerous times before). And after reading Badke it is clear that the individual’s interest in the topic is a large structural proportion of the success of the actual assignment and final product. After all of the readings, and videos assigned I noticed the works that caught and kept my attention most were the informative pieces on copyright. I also am an artist looking forward to entering the music industry so it would only be right to brush up on my copyright information laws and loopholes. In turn, the topic I chose was copyright plagarism. Hopefully it isnt too broad and if it is, it’s easy to chisel down into a more narrow and direct idea.


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