Assignment 7: Copyright

One of the biggest lies mostly everyone says is that they have read the Terms of Service, when in fact mostly everyone never read it.  The reason we do not read Terms of Service is because it is long and let’s face it boring.  However, because of this, we do not know when we are doing something illegal that concerns copyright.  Besides the laws that we already know about copyright, there are some that we do not.  The Plagiarism reading by Maurice Isserman, he states that there is no line that tells what is plagiarism and what is not.  Even if we do or do not know, it is still something we have to know about when we go to school or if a person wants is planning to do something with writing.  Copyright is to protect information and to make sure no one steals an idea someone has.  The consequences of plagiarism is severe, but there are still people who do it because they do not want to do any work.  Copyright and plagiarism is something that will happen and we could stop it, but it is highly unlikely that it would.

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