Copyrights Plagirism

I read both articles and watched both videos. I would like to say the reading assignments coupled with the media was a very helpful way to keep me engaged. On another note, Larry Lessig was very insightful on his thoughts about how creativity is making a comeback with this our generation. Breaking down societies into RO (read only) RW(read write), was a brilliant explanation of how my generation has seemingly brought creativity back to our culture. The RO generation or the ones before us are more about financial compensation and capital, therefore it seems they are trying to protect the value of the media in the RW society before their own. This video had a great correlation to the Disney video which explained the values of copyright and exactly what it’s being used for with the help of the visual characters to make the assignment a little less monotone. The plagiarism article brought up very good points on how nothing is completely original and the process of learning is being able to reiterate what was taught to you, which is impossible to do during speech while citing all the sources of information you have come across in your lifetime to add to your knowledge. It definitely put a realistic connotation to the term. I went on to read some of the comments left on the Lessig video and something that I think will stay with me was “If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.” ~ Carl Sagan left my Dan Grahn. Very insightful. I even posted it to facebook.

-Tarik Clarke

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