Notes for Monday, September 12

For Monday, September 12, please read Pavlik pp, 1-7 (distributed in class). Also read Harrington and Meade pp. 6-9 (the Executive Summary, parts 1.1 through 1.10) and view two short videos: Blogs in Plain English and  Wikis in Plain English. Your writing assignment is one 100-word reading (or viewing) response blog post.

Remember that the OpenLab is on the open web for anyone to see, and you do not need to log in to read the latest blog posts. You will need to log in to post your own blog posts, of course.

We are a day behind the printed syllabus I distributed on the first day of class. When I get word about how the college plans to make up Monday classes that were canceled, I’ll update the syllabus and make a PDF available to download here.

I’ll get in touch with the OpenLab tech support folks and keep you updated. Do not hesitate to get in touch, either by email or by leaving a comment here, if you have questions about course readings, blogging assignments, etc.

~Prof. Leonard


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