It is interesting to see how the world has changed with new ways of gaining information. To think, without what we have today such as the World Wide Web and books, information was usually gathered by talking to one another. However, that became a problem because everyone is bias. No matter what kind of information it is, a person can be bias on the information because of their own opinion. One single person can have a whole different opinion about a certain information, while another has a different opinion. This type of information gathering has changed slightly, but even if people do not interact with each other, they can always be bias. I find this interesting because even I see this happening. It happens on the internet and even during class discussions. Everyone has an opinion about something and this can lead to false information that can ruin someone’s research. I find it funny how information can ruin someone’s research because it has happened to me countless times. I noticed that it is mostly because of the World Wide Web with websites such as Wikipedia and Facebook. Writing a paper for a class has become a struggle for me because I don’t know if an information I look for is the truth or just someone’s basic opinion on the subject. William Badke’s book, “Research Strategies” showed me what information based on opinion can do for a student like myself and this can help me when I am writing a paper for any class.
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