Monthly Archives: August 2011

Notes for Wednesday, August 31

Since we missed the first day of class on Monday, the reading response blog posts due today will be due Friday, September 2 instead. Read the Preface, Chapter 1 and Chapter 8 from the textbook Research Strategies by William Badke (available at the City Tech bookstore or as an eb00k). Your first reading response blog post should be at least 100 words. In a reading response blog post, you should identify a topic or theme from the reading, briefly summarize it, and analyze it in relation to other readings and themes in the course. For more help with blogging, refer to the Blogging Guidelines on the course website or distributed in class, or contact me

The blog is hosted on City Tech’s OpenLab, an online platform for teaching. You will need to use your City Tech email address to sign up for the OpenLab. Visit Live@CityTech if you need to look up your City Tech email username.  Visit to log in to your City Tech email. Once you have created your OpenLab account, check your City Tech email for the link to confirm your account. Then you can sign in and request membership in LIB 1201. Once I approve your request, you’ll be able to post on the class blog.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!

~Prof. Leonard