Tag Archives: Online Privacy

Research Topic

The past weeks we’ve discussed how much privacy we have as people. Privacy has been a huge issue for social networkers using Facebook; Therefore, I’ll be discussing the problems people encounter when using this social network and how the Privacy Act is helping … Continue reading

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Technology will shackle your privacy, but it will never bind your spirit.

The house is on fire, and the majority do not care so long as it does not happen to them.  Heartbreakingly, the house is private and noone knows; or do they? Ricardo Guzman

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Online Privacy

Marshall makes very strong points in this article. He states that many people don’t know their searches are being recorded and these records are immesly intrusive. Like most people I google away what I’m wondering or personal questions I have. … Continue reading

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Online Privacy and Facebook Privacy

With the ever increasing use of the internet and storing information online comes a directly correlated loss of privacy. In today’s day and age when everyone’s shopping history, credit card info, social security numbers, usernames, and passwords are stored online … Continue reading

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