
New York City College of Technology
Library Department
Prof. Ian Beilin
Spring 2012
LIB 1201 – Research & Documentation for the Information Age
Section 3930
Mondays, 6-8:30
Room: A543 (Library)


Office:  (Library) – TBA
Office Hours: Mon/Wed 11:15am-12:15pm

 Download syllabus as a word file

Course Website:


Course Description

In this course we will explore issues in research and documentation for text (in print and online), images, sound, and multimedia. You will investigate where information comes from and how it is organized in both traditional and emerging media. We will examine the ethics of information use and determine how to critically evaluate sources. Throughout the course, you will create and present research and documentation projects using traditional and emerging media and technologies. This is a writing-intensive course. You should expect to spend 4-6 hours outside of class time preparing for class each week.


Course Goals

To introduce you to the theory and practice of research and documentation for all information and media, including:


  • Cultural, economic and political factors that affect information and media
  • The organization of information in multiple formats
  • Developing methods for finding information that is relevant to you
  • Critically evaluating information and its sources
  • Copyright, fair use, and ethical use of information and media
  • The role of documentation and citation in scholarly, professional, and public work


Learning Outcomes

For the successful completion of this course, you should be able to:


  • Describe the ways that information is produced and organized in a variety of formats
  • Create and articulate a relevant, manageable research topic for your assignments
  • Successfully search for and acquire appropriate information about your research topic in a variety of media and formats
  • Critically evaluate and select information sources for your assignments and projects
  • Use information ethically and responsibly with an awareness of copyright and fair use
  • Synthesize information on a topic from a variety of sources and present your analysis in writing and orally
  • Collaborate with a group to complete, modify, and document a process online
  • Apply documentation methods and citation styles appropriately in your own work



Course Policies


Communication outside of school: Email is the best way to contact me. I do not communicate via text or phone.


Attendance: You are expected to attend every class during the course. The City Tech attendance policy allows a student to be absent during the semester without penalty for up to 3 class sessions. Additional absences will lower your grade in this course.


Lateness: Excessive lateness will lower your grade in this course.


Deadlines: All assignments are due on the dates listed in the Course Schedule below. Failure to submit work on time will result in a lower grade for the assignment.


Classroom Etiquette: Please be respectful of the opinions of others during class discussions and blog interactions. Please silence your cellphone during class, and do not text or IM unless requested to by the professor. Eating is not permitted in the library’s flexible teaching space, but you may bring a drink with a lid.


Plagiarism: All assignments and work in this course must be your own, and you must give proper credit to any information or ideas that are the work of others. No credit will be given for plagiarized work. Please familiarize yourself with the college policy on plagiarism:


NYCCT Statement on Academic Integrity:

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.


Further information (including penalties for plagiarism at City Tech) can be found in the Student Handbook:



Additional Resources for Students:


The College Learning Centers offer tutoring and writing support in 2 locations: Atrium G18 and Voorhees 217. For more information:


To use a computer on campus visit one of the Computing Centers:


For additional research support, please don’t hesitate to visit the Reference Desk or the library website:



Assignments and Grading


Your grade in this course will be based on:

  • Class participation                                                                              15%
  • Blog posts on course website                                                            20%
  • Research topic proposal                                                                     5%
  • Annotated bibliography                                                                      7%
  • Research paper – outline                                                                   3%
  • Research paper – draft                                                                       10%
  • Research paper – final                                                                       15%
  • Online documentation project                                                           15%
  • Class presentation                                                                              10%


Course work and assignments


1. Participation in class discussions and activities: You are expected to complete all readings/viewings and come to class prepared to discuss them. Please bring at least 1 question about the readings to every class. In-class activities will include developing research topics, formulating search strategies, evaluating information, etc.


2. Blog: Short blog posts are required throughout the course. See deadlines in the course schedule (below), and details on the course blog


3. Research topic proposal: In consultation with the professor, choose a research topic relevant to the course and write a 100 word proposal. You will use this research topic for your annotated bibliography and research paper.


4. Annotated bibliography: Select a minimum of 5 sources in a variety of media formats on your research topic and create an annotated bibliography (100 words minimum per source).


5. Research paper outline: Organize the main ideas that you will discuss in your research paper and show the relationships among the ideas you write about. A well-organized outline make the writing process simpler and more straightforward.


6. Research paper: Write a research paper on your approved topic. Papers must be 5-8 pages in length (not including illustrations or Works Cited), typed, double-spaced. You are required to submit at least one draft of your paper which must be revised before submitting the final version (see deadlines in the course schedule below).


7. Online documentation project: In small groups assigned by the professor, students will build an online resource and collaboratively document their process.


8. Class presentation: Each student group will give a 10-15 minute class presentation describing their online resource and presenting the finished online documentation project.


Full details and requirements for each assignment will be discussed in class and posted on the course blog.



Course Readings


Required Textbook

Badke, W. B. (2011). Research strategies: Finding your way through the information fog. New York: iUniverse, Inc.


This book is available for less than $20 in the City Tech bookstore, and I strongly recommend that you buy it. We will read almost the entire book and it should also be useful to you in other courses. Please use either the third edition (2008) or the fourth edition (2011).


You can also buy it as an eBook (for Nook, Kindle, and other formats including PDF) for $8-10 through the author’s website:


The book is also on reserve in the library: CALL NUMBER: Z710 .B23 2008


Additional materials to read or watch are assigned for each class – see the Course Schedule (below). Most are available online (at no cost to you) in library databases or on the internet; the rest are on reserve in the library. Links to materials available online are posted on the course blog.


Required Technology


Reliable access to the internet and to a computer with word processing software are essential for successful completion of assignments. Up to 20% of your grade is dependent upon regular contributions to the course website. Most readings are available via the course website or as a link on this syllabus. The online documentation project requires your group to develop a web-based resource. All written assignments must be word-processed. Lack of internet access is not an acceptable excuse for late or incomplete assignments.


Recommended Reading


There are no assigned readings from these books, but you may find them helpful to consult during the course (they are on reserve in the library).


Devine, J., and Egger-Sider, F. (2009). Going beyond Google: The invisible web in learning and teaching. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.  CALL NUMBER: ZA4237 .D4 2009

Discusses expert searching of “deep” web resources, may be useful for research on your paper/project topics.


Riedling, A. M. (2006). Learning to learn: A guide to becoming information literate in the 21st century. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.  CALL NUMBER: ZA3075 .R54 2006

This book is similar to our textbook, and offers another set of guidelines for research and writing.




Course Schedule


All readings and assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date listed below. Please write down and bring at least one question about one of the readings to every class, and come to class prepared to discuss all of the day’s assigned readings.


Mon 1/30        1. Introduction to the course; review syllabus; sign up for OpenLab

Reading (in class): “Back to the Coffee House” (handout)



The Information Landscape: Media and Production



Mon 2/6          1. Brief history of media; the lifecycle of information; traditional print

media: journalism, academic/government/research agency publications

Digital text: online versions of print media, “born digital” content


Reading: Badke, Preface, Ch. 1 and Ch. 8

Pavlik, pp. 1-8, Harrington and Meade, pp. 6-9

Viewing: Common Craft blogs and wikis videos

Assignment: Write one reading response blog post


2. Alternative media: print (zines, pamphlets, etc.) and electronic (blogs,

wikis, etc.)


Reading: Eland; Zine World; Wright (Part I only)

Assignment: Comment on at least one blog post


Mon 2/13        College closed; no class or office hours


Mon 2/20        College closed; no class or office hours




  1. Non-text media: sound, images, multimedia


Reading: Pavlik, pp. 79-84; Malitz; Elton

Assignment: Write one reading response blog post; comment on at least one blog post


  1. Web 2.0 and participatory media


Reading: Web 2.0 (Wikipedia); Baker;

Viewing: Common Craft social media video

Assignment: Write one reading response blog post



Issues in Information and Media



Mon 2/27        1. Access: personal, institutional, digital divide


Reading: Martin Ch. 7

Assignment: Write one reading response blog post


2.  Privacy: changing definitions; challenges of digital media


Reading: Marshall, P. (2009, November 6). Online privacy. CQ Researcher, 19, 933-956; boyd, d. (2008), “Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck.”

Assignment:  Write one reading response blog post


Mon 3/5          1. Ethics: copyright, fair use, plagiarism, open access


Reading: Isserman; Center for Social Media sections “Code” and


Viewing: Grey; Lessig; Faden

Assignment: Write one reading response blog post



How Information and Media Are Organized


2.  Metadata: information about information, taxonomies, folksonomies


Reading: Badke, Ch. 4; Dye; Harrod

Assignment: Write one research journal blog post; comment on at least

one blog post


Mon 3/12        1. Search mechanics: what is a database, how does a search engine work


Reading: Badke, Ch. 3; Liddy; Leibman

Assignment: Comment on at least one blog post


2. The research process: needs assessment, preliminary strategies, topic



Reading: Badke, Ch. 2

Assignment: Comment on at least one blog post



Finding Information and Media


Mon 3/19        1. The research process: refining a topic, creating search strategies


Reading: Badke, Appendix 1 pp. 177-195; review Badke, Ch. 3, pp. 34-41


2. Searching: internet


Reading: Badke, Ch. 6 (all) and Ch. 7, pp. 122-124

Viewing: Common Craft web search strategies video

Assignment: Write one research journal blog post

DUE:  Research topic proposal


Mon 3/26        1. Searching: library catalogs


Reading: Badke Ch. 5 pp. 71-76, Library of Congress Classification


Assignment: Write one research journal blog post


2. Searching: article databases


Reading: Badke Ch. 5, pp. 76-95

Assignment: Comment on at least one blog post

DUE: Annotated bibliography


Using Information and Media



Mon 4/2          1. Evaluation of sources in any format: how to evaluate


Reading: UC Berkeley, Cornell

Assignment: Write one research journal blog post

DUE: Research paper outline


  1. Evaluation of sources in any format: why to evaluate; evaluation game

Reading: Fister, Grimmelmann
DUE: Research paper outline




Mon 4/9  – No Class (Spring Break) – College & Library are OPEN


Mon 4/16        1. Writing an academic research paper

Reading: Badke, Ch. 10, and Appendix 1, pp. 196-203

Assignment: Write one research journal blog post


Rationale for documentation and citation


Reading: Hauptmann, pp. 7-13
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post


2. Documentation: standards, methods and styles for citing text and non-

text media


Reading: Badke Ch. 9, browse Purdue OWL’s APA and MLA Style


DUE:  Research paper draft


Mon 4/23        1. Documentation: practical applications

Reading: Edge; Robinson

Assignment: Find one example of process documentation in any format,

read it, and write one blog post in which you describe, summarize and critique it. Be prepared to discuss your example in class!


2.  Documentation: standards, methods and styles for practices and



Mon 4/30        DUE: Research paper final version

Introduce group project & form groups


Mon 5/7          Group project work


Presentation of Information and Looking to the Future


Future of information and media, wrapping up

Viewing: Sloan


Mon 5/14        Group project work



Mon 5/21        Student Presentations
DUE before the beginning of class:  Online documentation project






Baker, N. (2008, March 20). The charms of Wikipedia. New York Review of Books 55(4).


Bee, R. (2008). The importance of preserving paper-based objects in a digital world.

Library Quarterly, 78, 179-194.


boyd, d. (2008). Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 14(1), 13 -20.


Center for Social Media. (2008). The code of best practices in fair use for media literacy



Common Craft. (2007). Blogs in plain English.


Common Craft. (2008). Social media in plain English.


Common Craft. (2007). Wikis in plain English.


Common Craft. (2008). Web search strategies in plain English.


Cornell University Library. (2009). Critically analyzing information sources.


Dye, J. (2006). Folksonomy: A game of high-tech (and high-stakes) tag. EContent, 29(3),



Edge, I.E. (2006). Write it down! The importance of documentation. Tech Directions

66(3), 16-18.


Eland, T. (2004). Critical thinking, deviant knowledge and the alternative press.

Minnesota Association for Continuing Adult Education Update Newsletter,

December, 4-6. (available at


Elton, S. (2009, August 29). Love for labels. Billboard, 121(34), 4.


Faden, E. (2007). A fair(y) use tale.


Fister, B. (2003). The devil in the details: Media representation of ritual abuse and

evaluation of  sources. SIMILE: Studies in Media and Information Literacy

Education, 3(2), 1-14.


Gibaldi, J. (2009). MLA handbook for writers of research papers. New York: Modern Language Association of America.


Goodin, D. (2007, January 8). Managing content in a rich-media world. InfoWorld.,0


Grey, C.G.P (2011). Copyright: Forever less one day.


Grimmelman, J. (2008/2009). The Google Dilemma. New York Law School Law Review,

53, 939-950. &context=james_grimmelmann


Harrington, M. and C. Meade. (2008). read:write: Digital possibilities for literature.

Institute for the Future of the Book.


Harrod, H. (2009, March 28). It’s the playground of narcissistic teenagers and amateur photographers, but 3 billion images (and counting) on Flickr could be the greatest social document of the century. Daily Telegraph, 22.


Hauptman, R. (2008). Documentation. A history and critique of attribution, commentary,

glosses, marginalia, notes, bibliographies, works-cited lists, and citation indexing and analysis. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company.

(in the library on Reserve: call number PN171 .F56 H38 2008)


Isserman, M. (2003, May 2). Plagiarism: a lie of the mind. Chronicle of Higher Education,

49(34), B12.


Leibman, A. (2010). How search engines work: the mechanics behind the results. Smart Computing, 21(6), 50-51.


Lessig, L. (2007). Larry Lessig on laws that choke creativity.


Levi, Y. (2008). Digital preservation: An ever-growing challenge. Information Today,

25(8), 22.


Levinson, C. (2006). Anthropology, taxonomies, and publishing. Online, 30(4), 28-30.


Library of Congress. (n.d.). Library of Congress Classification Outline.


Liddy, E. (2001). How a search engine works. Searcher, 9(5), 39-45.


Malitz, D. (2007, October 11). Radiohead’s ‘Rainbows’: Is free release a potential pot of

gold? The Washington Post, C01.


Marshall, Patrick. “Online Privacy.” CQ Researcher 6 Nov. 2009: 933-56. Web. 12 Jan.



Martin, B. (1998). The politics of research. In Information liberation: Challenging the

corruptions of information power. London: Freedom Press

(available at:


Pavlik, J. V. (2008). Media in the digital age. New York: Columbia University Press.

(in the library on Reserve: call number HM851 .P38 2008)


Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) (2009). APA Formatting and Style Guide.


Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) (2009). MLA Formatting and Style Guide.


Robinson, C. (2009). Documentation dilemmas. Journal for Quality & Participation,

31(4), 35-37.


Sloan, R. (2004.). EPIC 2015 – Museum of Media History.


UC Berkeley – Teaching Library Internet Workshops. (2010). Evaluating web pages:

Techniques to apply and questions to ask.


Web 2.0. (2010, August 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.


Wright, F. (1997). The history and characteristics of zines, Part I.


Zine World. (2007). Zines 101—A quick guide to zines.



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