Group Evalution

Ricardo Guzman

Dr. Beilin Ian

Research & Documentation for the Information Age

20 of May 2012


Group Evalution

 Group projects can be wonderful or a nightmare and evaluating ones group in a College setting can be very challenging. Evaluation of the group in an objective manner is a potent skill and should be a requisite for analytical, problem-solving and executing efficiently toward a solution.     

Within our group we first established and acknowledge that communication with one another was very important. Communication fosters efficient delivery of messages and ideas that provided a natural flow for discussion reactions, clarifying doubts through good communications among us is critical and we at “City Tech Eats” achieved this aspect very soundly.

 Planning of time and distribution of work load within the group was as important as well. For example our group consists of much talent. To foster everyone’s abilities to maximum capacity and time, we developed a Who’s Who? And who is doing what list according to their best category talents. In creating these method strategy individuals was able to process great work.

I had a great and wonderful experience working with my group because the group project encouraged responsibilities, time management and polls of ideas that I will use in the future. I could have never done this alone. Teamwork is easy when communication is time-honored. Finally it was a wonderful pleasure working with “City Tech Eats” group, everyone completed their assignment with great quality, in a timeliness fashion. Fare accuracy and good performance overall. And I would work again with my group in the future.


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Self-Evaluation of City Tech Eats

Ricardo Guzman

Dr. Beilin Ian

Research & Documentation for the Information  Age

20 of May 2012

Self-Evaluation of City Tech Eats


With the arrival of the World Wide Web and the huge amount of information that is contained there, I needed to enable myself to critically evaluate the Web site for authenticity, applicability, authorship, usability and to make sure the site reflects unbiased sources. The ability to critically evaluate information is an important skill in this information age. So that is why and how I implemented a self-evaluation of “City Tech Eats” website group project.

 Self-evaluating me is difficult by nature, but I discovered that while being included together as a group at the “City Tech Eats” site concept, there were a few questions I had in mind. First was how are people connected to the Internet, are they connected by cable, fiber, DSL or handheld mobile? What Web browser are people using? And what URL Web page is being used?

 I learned many things while on the web site project. Things like, does a web page take a long time to load? That is very important because more and more users demand faster speed and page loading is no exception!

 Another thing that is very important is to include information in a website such as author’s name and perhaps e-mail addresses, checking for misspelled words, grammar, are the images too big for the page or if going to another page, is there a way to get back to the first page?

 Finally while evaluating myself while working on the “City Tech Eats” website, other questions repeatedly came to mind also. Why visit the site? Why stay on the site? And why return to the site? And theoretically the answer might be the promise of simplicity, concept originality and answering to the needs of every visitor. The practice of great customer service is very essential also; this always leads visitors to engage again and again.

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Web 2.0 (Wikipedia)

Web 2.0, interesting name to have for a site. It allows users to share and interact with one another. Many people use it for blogging, tagging, podcasting and etc. One of the sections that I think is important to read is the web 2.0 in education; providing teachers in engaging their students. Something that would be interesting to have. I mostly agree with it because it does seem like it would make a difference within the educational system and would make student to want to participate more.

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Online Privacy

Online privacy plays an important role in society especially because it plays a daily routine in everybody’s life. This actually reminds me when I was doing research for my research paper which was the topic of Facebook privacy. They’re helpful tips in improving the security and to secure the privacy online. I really liked how it went into detailed and even gave some helpful tips that people might even consider. One of the things that caught my attention was the federal tracking. I guess I shouldn’t be surprise because I have heard rumors about it but reading it is just completely another point of view one gets. It’s like you really wouldn’t believe it to be true.

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Badke, Chapter 4

Metadata and the power of controlled vocabularies deals with the metadata; showing how to search.  How using quotation marks help in order to search for a phrase, and wants us to understand why some searches succeed while other fail. I really liked how he stated “any database is only as useful as its retrieval capability”, which i agree because if you don’t get what your looking for then their is really no point of having it. He goes into details about keywords and controlled vocabularies which I have never seen nor did I ever think their was a difference, but I guess everyone learns something new everyday.

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Online Privacy Patrick Marshall Response

When we socialized on social networks, there is no guarantee that all your information will be kept private. Marshall brings up important things that Advertisers are doing to get us to buy their products, They’re tracking our whereabout upon the world wide web and our purchases. They’re even selling the information that they gather about us to third parties for there own profits. Just imagine all that interesting advertisement popping up on your facebook page, in your emails, and mailboxes, The advertisers know thats what you want to see, so therefore shower you with information to sway you into visiting their sites and buying.

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I found the Dye article on Folksonomy very informative. Folksonomy is used to identify content and label them on the web. Labeling a Folksonomy is called a tag.  A user is able to put images and tag them and present this information to the public.  Folksonomy is less structured than taxonomy. Taxonomy is mainly used in the library of Congress.

Folksonomy has become a major marketing device to learn the likes and dislikes of consumers. Folksonomy can be used in libraries to tag certain books readers enjoy reading. These tags can help to identify other books readers might like in the library. Folksonomy is very useful in marketing new products that consumers on the web would enjoy. The more people post tags the better companies can learn what are the consumers interests and develop products that will sell. I feel that Folksonomy will be very useful in marketing products. The gathering of people’s opinions of a books can be very profitable. According to Dye Folksonomy is a new concept. I feel like it will change the way products will be produced to the public.  I feel with the gathering of ideas and concepts it will create better things.

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Common Craft blogs and wikis videos response

Having the power to share news and information is a beautiful thing. Writing about what interests you, can also be of interest with thousands of other bloggers and readers. With your blogs, you’re opening up many discussions that you’re personally drawn to instead of the basic news article that just professional and doesn’t  connect with you personally. Blogs are for you to express your own ideas and discuss them with fellow bloggers and  readers.

Wikis is a simple yet complex website that helps to organize and coordinate information amongst a group of people instead of using emails(which can be disorganized). Common Craft’s camping trip example was an excellent way to demonstrate how to use these websites. Using one page to organize a group’s ideas is less confusing and time consuming(having to search for each email being sent to you can be a hassle), and Wikis helps to make life easier for you and your group’s information to be in one place.

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The Coffee House Response

Because the internet has made it easier for us to find out the latest news, Coffee houses were no longer being used to spread news about any giving situation. Most people now rely on internet searches to provide them with updates of the latest news. Websites like Twitter and Facebook helps to bring out the news reporter in everyone; we post almost every event we see(adding photos and videos to draw our friends into seeing with we are). The Coffee House is no longer a news haven but just an ordinary Coffee House.

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Documentation Dillemmas

The author, Christine Robinson explains documentation could be a problem in her article, “Documentation Dillemmas.”  Documentation is important to preserve the information and knowledge, but she warns it has a possibility to tend to be bad.  In any cases to … Continue reading

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