Research Journal Blog Post-T.Y.

When any academic individual  is preparing to write a research paper he needs to focus on research writing skill as Badke stated in his book specifically in chapter 10.The idea that an outline, a research question and organized headings are needed in order to create the most correct foundation for your own project is correct from my perspective. I agree with Badke concerning this matter and I want to state that the most important detail in any research question is to create a how or a why question that will create a topic to write about. As we all know according to Badke a research paper should follow certain guideline of format and design. Badke mentions the American Psychological Association style (APA) and the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. I personally like the APA style. Most of the academic papers that I have written followed the APA guidelines style. In addition Badke is discussing the concept of how to write a correct essay which holds a correct structure and support statements that back each paragraph up. In my reseach project I will try to follow all of these wonderful suggestions that I have found while I was reading chapter 10.

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Reminder – Research Paper Draft is Due April 16!

Remember that your research paper drafts are due in class on April 16!

Be sure to take a look at the research paper draft assignment under the assignments tab above!

– Prof. Beilin

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Rationale for Documentation and Citation

The rationale behind documentation and citation is that if you document information then you will have it organized and cataloged in a specific way so you can easy refer to it and find it at the appropriate time with relative ease, a similar thing can be said about the rationale for citations in which the information used for the acquisition of research information can aid individuals in obtain the information they are seeking a fast and efficient manner especially if they are looking for it by using an alphabetic system such as the author’s name as a guiding reference. Documentation and Citation are two extremely important things that can drastically expedite the time it take for an individual to find exactly what he/she is looking for in the piles of information that person has organized for themselves. I strongly urge each and every one of you to document and cite your work because it can only help you in the long run.

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Writing an Academic Research Paper

According to Badke the first step to adequately begin writing an academic research paper is to “create an index of some sort that enables you to organize date” because if your data is unorganized there is no way that you can prioritize what information should be added first and what information can be left out or added at a later time. Most people when writing a research paper ask themselves how do I organize my notes/information to which Badke replies write out information acquired from one source and number the pages of your notes consecutively, he also states that you should put notes containing information that coincides with each other in the same pile for better ease of use. Badke also states that when organizing information that you should always cite each source so you can easily search through data as opposed to desperately attempting to skim pages upon pages of information hoping to stumble upon the information you need at the last minute. Last but not least Badke suggests the use of an outline before attempting to write a draft that way you have specific guide almost like a road map that leads to to your final destination. If all of these principles are followed then there is nothing that can possibly inhibit your ability to obtain an A on your research paper.

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Evaluation of Sources In Any Format: How to Evaluate

According to the Cornell University Library the primary objectives of students should searching for adequate research information should be The Author and what his/her credentials are, The Date of Publication, because in order to have adequate research the information you have obtained needs to be valid in this point in time and not outdated, The Publisher, the reason focusing on a publisher is important is because  a source published by a university or peer reviewed institution is more likely to be scholarly, and last but not least The Coverage of the Journal/Article because the student needs to know if the information they are obtaining from this source is primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary; the tertiary and quaternary sources can be discarded because they wont provide the student with as much appropriate levels of information for answer their research questions as will the primary and secondary sources.

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Library of Congress Classification (Catalog)

The Library of Congress Classification is what I believe to be an extremely useful and efficient way of sifting through meta data to arrive at an given search result in a fairly quick manner, by organizing authors names and  titles of books by a specific numeric sequence searches can be conducted in a swift manner thus increasing the rate at which people can begin getting informed. I also agree with What Badke statement in that “the more effort database producers take to develop metadata, the better chance that the user will find what he/she actually wants to find.” I hope the Library of congress continues to update their classification of literary information to better help us obtain the information we need in a quick and adequate manner.

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My Annotated Bibliography and updated topic

Annotated BIB

My updated topic is included in the document above.

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Research Paper Outline

Tomer Yakov

LIB 1201{3930}

Proffesor Ian Beilin


Research Paper Outline

My research question is related to the question of how to secure our medical information in mobile health-care communication systems. Medical privacy laws are very important to all members of society wheatear its patients regarding the medical field and ending with the financial field. I will try to research concerning what is the meaning of these laws, what do they mean and what are the rights of patients pertaining to confidentiality and medical privacy laws. The background of this topic is extremely interesting. Well we had many laws that are related to patient privacy and confidently. The key in this research is relating to laws that are constricted to mobile electronic health records and information, which was not, addressed until the last decade. One of these acts was the (HIPAA) act that Congress enacted. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 to limit the ability of an employer to deny health insurance coverage to employees with preexisting medical conditions (Flores, 2005). In addition other similar laws that came about slowly but surly were related to the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in health-care delivery

Systems, some of the problems faced were the incorrect recording of diagnoses, unavailability of patient information, delays in accessing the information, space limitations for record-keeping and insufficient personnel for patient monitoring (Adesina, 2011). To conclude mainly many historical advances had been approached with time to deal with this problematic matter of medical privacy and security .early attempts of security were seen in HIPPA and the information care technology network securities.

My second argument concerning this topic is that the entre infra structure of this system is unsafe and not secure enough and so the system and their administrators needed to be on the watch all the time. “The sensitivity of health-care information is extremely fragile and opened to all. The privacy, of a patient’s data is a key factor to be considered in the transfer of patients medical records in various ways such a physical and electronic (Februarie, 2011).  As well some see that the entire basis for ehalth mobile security is not needed because the network the physicians are accessing the information is secure and stable (Februarie, 2011). 

My third argument concerning this topic is what medical law security is and what the real emphasis behind it is. According to medical security is and I quote” It is a Law concerning medical security and privacy rules and procedures for simplifying the administration of healthcare billing and automating the transfer of healthcare”. I do believe that with out the concept of medical security is not possible to create the HIPPA the PACS security and regulation that are instilled today (Watson, 2001).

To conclude the answer for this question is still under investigation and further research will be needed to acquire this information, what I have understood until now is that there are safe guards that were instilled in order to stop any lack or misuse of patient Information both on PACS and any other mobile devices.



Work Cited

 1) Adesina , O, Ademola.  “Ensuring the security and privacy of information in mobile health-care communication systems”. South African journal of science. Vol 107, No 9/10 (2011).

 The privacy, integrity and confidentiality of a patient’s data are key factors to be considered in the transmission of medical information for use by authorized health-care personnel. Mobile communication has enabled medical consultancy, treatment, drug administration and the provision of laboratory results to take place outside the hospital. With the implementation of electronic patient records and the Internet and Intranets, medical information sharing amongst relevant health-care providers was made possible. in addition acceptance of the Internet as a tool by health-care providers has not only enabled a transformation from paper-based records to electronic patient records  but has also facilitated the use of sensor networks for remote patient monitoring, which allows for easy accessibility of medical information by health-care practitioners.

 2) Februarie, Ronald. “Ensuring the security and privacy of information in mobile health-care”. South African Journal of Science; Sep/Oct2011, Vol. 107 Issue 9/10, p26-32.

 The sensitivity of health-care information is extremely fragile and opened to all. The privacy, of a patient’s data is a key factor to be considered in the transfer of patients medical records in various ways such a physics’ and electronic. Mobile communication has enabled many medical advances such as, electronic patient records and the Internet records online. Most important issue is the following, the method in which information sharing is used by


3)Flores, a, Joe.” HIPAA: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSES”. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing; 2005, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p131-147, 17p.

 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 protect private medical information. Most people are understandably clueless about it. Well HIPAA actually ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to create standards for the protection of electronically stored and submitted personal health care information. Those standards limit the use and dissemination of personal data. It forced to create a system for electronic information and to create security laws and agencies to follow all of these activities.


 4) Goggle. Privacy Policy. Policy and procedures. Online resource.

We collect information to provide better services to all of our users – from figuring out basic stuff like which language you speak, to more complex things like which ads you’ll find most useful or the people who matter most to you online. We may collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone number). Google may associate your device identifiers or phone number with your Google Account.


 5) Shelby, Watson  Quantia.” New York State Privacy Laws Regarding Medical Information”

 It is a Law concerning medical security and privacy rules and procedures for simplifying the administration of healthcare billing and automating the transfer of healthcare. In addition holds the basis of a HIPAA is a federal act helping to set a national standard for protecting the security and integrity of medical records when they are kept in electronic form.


 6) Solomont, E.B.” Hospitals are Getting ‘Smart’ About Patient Data”. New Yorkthe sun newspaper. June 30th 2008.

 InMount SinaiMedicalCenterthey are capable to carry their medical records in their wallets,. I mean the patients have special cards the hold all their information action, thanks to the new “smart” identification cards the hospital is distributing. Each one of these cards, which is the size of simple credit card, it will have a digital image of the patient and will hold a computer chip that is will hold on it 33 pages of data relating to the individual patients.

 7) Waters Jennifer.” Why ID Thieves Love Social Media “. The Wall Street journal. March 25th 2012.

 Smart phones are minicomputers that store vast quantities of personal information, yet many users don’t protect their smart phones the way they do laptops and PCs. Fact is that “LinkedIn, a site most users consider more “business” than “social,” had the highest identity-fraud incident rate, at 10%, versus 5% for the general population, the Javelin study found”. Well sharing information of viewing information is especially dangers on Smartphone’s or any other phones that holds an internet connection.








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Research Paper Outline

LIB 1201: 3930                                                                                                                      4/01/12

Simon Sachakov                                                                                           Research Paper Outline

Research Paper Outline

I. Introduction -Should Apple Implement Digital Rights Management into their products?

Throughout history big time corporations have attempted to control the use of the technological devices they produce by implementing hardware or software to place a limit on the what you can and cannot do with such a device after it has been purchased. Such restrictions put into action that restrict the use of certain programs are classified as Digital Rights Management (DRM). DRM’s primary function as is stated by companies who implore the use of this technique is that DRM ensure the security and stability of their device and keeps the device running in tip top shape. Another reason and what I personally believe to be is the main reason DRM is introduced to many of the devices that we purchase today is for the acquisition of a sustained profit margin because if companies can’t maintain a hold of their device, how can they possibly provide updates for that device. The simple answer to that question is that they can’t.

1.  What is the relevance of Having DRM in play?

Digital Rights Management has an important role to play in how companies make their profit margin because DRM is seen by companies as a way to safeguard their copyrighted information from theft. Another reason why the use of DRM is implemented is because it sets up a dependence from the point of the consumer on the company to steadily increase what it is that the consumer can do with the device purchased through software updates. Companies attempt to place DRM further in the spotlight by stating that without the implementation of DRM that they would lose sales due to malicious individuals who would use their devices for illegal action or actions that directly aid in the obtainment of copyright infringed data or information.

2. Background information and context.

According to Andrew William Bagley’s peer reviewed article posted on EBSCO titled “Fair Use Rights In A World Of The Broadcast Flag and Digital Rights Management” Bagley explicitly states that the immediate issue with regards to digital media is the question of who owns the rights to it, does the person with the carbon copy own the rights or does the person who purchased that particular item own the right to do with it as s/he sees fit. Bagley also brings up the question of whether or not the use of DRM by big corporations such as Apple for example infringes on individual rights of consumers. Another question brought up by Bagley was “Do corporations hide behind DRM to strip individual liberties away and expand their profit margins?” I will try my best to answer all of these questions with the research I have obtained.

II. What are the issues with a company such Apple implementing DRM into their products for consumers?

According to Jacqui Cheng author of the online article “A look at Apple’s love for DRM and consumer lock-ins.” posted on Apples love for Digital Rights Management is putting their consumers in a chokehold so to speak by limiting the potential of what it is they can do with the device they have purchased. The use of heavy restriction on what consumers can and cannot do with the devices Apple mass-produces causes a lot of anguish and frustration with consumers attempting to get the device to work a certain way or run certain applications. Cheng proceeds to state that apparently devices that are suspect to violate Apple’s terms of use agreement will be void of warranty and stripped of the ability to sync with their counterpart iTunes program. Cheng’s article wraps up by showing that the majority of consumers stand in favor of Apple easing up on the limitations presented to their devices.

1. Cheng’s response to Apple’s of DRM was “The company loves creating new and innovative products that challenge the world’s perception of what it thought it wanted, but it then turns around and aggressively protects those products from being poked or prodded too much by curious onlookers.” This is a very shady method of doing business because Apple is using their power to abuse copyright legislation for their own convenience. Cheng also points out that consumers attempting to use Apple’s iDevices in the way they see fit where constantly bombarded with error messages and popups stating that Apple does not support a particular action to be completed on their device. Consumers appear to be thoroughly frustrated with Apple’s iDevices as well as all of their limitations and some have actually taken the step to circumvent Apple’s security to get the device to work how they want.

2. Hackers who circumvent Apple’s security restriction are called Jail breakers. Jail breakers allow the use of third party applications and programs to be used as well as be readily accessible to anyone with the technical knowhow to obtain those applications. Act of “Jailbreaking” or releasing your iDevice from the shackles of Apple’s DRM restrictions adds supplementary tasks to be run by the iDevice that Apple otherwise wouldn’t allow to be run. Despite being legal and in accordance with the Fair Use Act as well as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Apple still does anything and everything to decrease this activity by imploring more creative ways to lock their devices by the use of DRM encrypted software updates.

III. Apple states that Jailbreaking is Illegal

According to David Goldman’s article posted on the business section of CNN News titled “New Copy right Office ruling sanctions iPhone Jailbreaking” Apple states that circumventing the DRM on their devices is illegal, but how illegal is it really? According to the U.S. Copyright Office, a division of the Library of Congress, has authorized several new exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), one of which will allow mobile phone users to “Jailbreak” — or hack into — their devices to use apps not authorized by the phone’s manufacturer. If Jailbreaking is actually legal then why does Apple go out of their way to frustrate consumers with ever increasingly more difficult to use DRM restrictions? Apple does this because they feel that the profit margin for their products both hardware and software will be substantially lower if users are given the opportunity to do as they please because we live in the digital age and obtaining information or pirated software is as easy as typing a hyperlink into an address bar and clicking download.

1. Goldman also states that “Every three years the Copy Right office has to re-evaluate the decisions they have put into play about the DMCA’s anti-circumvention provisions exemptions and either keep them the same or change them in accordance to what the law states.” This statement leads to the conclusion that through the use of DRM companies like Apple are inadvertently  impeding the growth of technology. The way technological growth is being halted by these security restrictions is simple, each Jailbreaker (person who circumvents Apple’s security/ finds vulnerabilities in Apple’s security) is a hacker/software engineer that could have been employed by the company thus providing customers with new innovative ideas and leading to an influx of technological prosperity. Instead what tends to be the harsh reality is that Jailbreakers find these vulnerabilities in their own free time and are not offered any jobs for this process, and not only that they are looked upon as cyber terrorists, and slandered by Apple’s PR department in any which way they can.

2. Kukil Bora also provides some insightful information about the security of third party applications that are installed on jail broken devices as opposed to authorized applications approved by apple on their unmodified devices in his articles posted in the International Business Times online newspaper titled “Jailbreak Apps More Secure Than Apple-Approved Apps with Less Chance of Data Leak: Study – International Business Times.” stating that the privacy implications that Apple rants and raves about in regards to Jailbroken devices (devices which have circumvented apple’s security to install third party applications) are not being as compromised as much as we’d like to believe. Bora further continues to state that according to research done at the University of California, it was discovered that the approved and signed Applications that apple is coming out with infringe more on personal privacy then do the third party applications. From the values presented the benefits seem to outweigh the costs for consumers to jailbreak their devices. Jay Freeman, CEO of third party app store Cydia was also quoted as saying: “Instead of Apple making decisions about what’s good and bad, you decide. People think Jailbreaking is about deciding that things Apple doesn’t like are good. But it also allows you to see that the things Apple might like sometimes aren’t as good as they might like you to believe. We provide you with the tools to block the functionality you don’t believe apps should have on your phone.” This just goes to show that not everything that a corporate conglomerate does is in the best interests of their consumers.

IV. Should individuals who pursue methods to free apples devices from the shackles of DRM also known as Jailbreakers be persecuted by the law?

When the very first iDevice was hacked by teenage hacker George Hotz aka GeoHot, Apple actually tried to take legal action against Hotz by attempting to sue him for a substantial sum of money and when that failed they decided to implement other legal ways to take action against this type of behavior. According to Leander Kahney’s Article on the online site Cult of titled “Apple™’s Official Response To DMCA Jailbreak Exemption: It Voids Your Warranty” it is clearly stated that Apple address the act of Jailbreaking a device as a direct legal violation of their terms of use thus voiding the jailbreak partaking consumer’s  warranty.  Leander also stated that Apple is losing a lot of net revenue with its war on Access by its implementation of DRM. As of this Article there were approximately ten million Jailbroken devices in the world that accounted for an extremely large amount of the market which apple would have otherwise acquired if security measures preventing the full use of the device weren’t as high. Apple’s response to this is that the company strives for a total control of the iDevice to keep the experience sweet, simple, and free of bugs.

1. Jenna Wortham a writer for the New York Times posted an article on the New York Times website on the 12th of may 2009 titled  “Unofficial Software Incurs Apple’s Wrath” in which she provides her two cents by implying that Apple should not have the right to prosecute individuals who Jailbreak their iDevices because “For a lot of owners of Apple’s iDevices the amount of applications they have in their application store isn’t enough or does not serve the purpose that they are in need off thus they resort to a process called Jailbreaking.” Wortham also states that to some technology enthusiasts, Jailbreaking is similar to customizing a car; there are themes and layouts that can be installed to make your personal experience with the device as unique and individual as desired. This in turn makes you think that  if we lived in a society where the expression of individuality and self was prohibited by law and any individual who went against that decree was subject to persecution to the full extent of the law, would that be a society you would want to be a part of? I personally, know that I wouldn’t.

2. This seemingly harmless process of the expression of individuality incurs Apple’s wrath because the code used to allow third party applications the privilege of running on the device at times glitches up and results in a lot of various of bugs which Apple sees as blemishes on their stark company’s reputation. Therefore Apple feels the need to legally enforce consumers to use their products as they had originally intended. Apple sees consumer gratification second only to a sense of false technological utility thus forcing their will on hard working Americans. Even Wortham though not directly stating opposition implies that this policy has to change before a lot more than just the individual liberties of consumers get sullied.

Conclusion- In the end I believe that Apple through their continued attempts to secure their devices are hindering what otherwise would be an influx of technological growth as well as potential job opportunities which might have in turn aided in an economical progression. Not only is technological growth being threatened, the right to freedom of expression is besmirched by a company who wants everyone to think exactly the same as they do and not have any unique individual characteristics that make them stand out of the crowd. Individuals need variety to grow and thrive as a society and the implementation of constraining security measures such as DRM limits on how much information persons with interest in a particular topic can acquire, thus keeping people forever in the dark isolated from the warmth and light that knowledge holds. With regards to my prior statement I strongly urge you to find out research on how you can get Apple to either stop or limit their use of DRM in regards to how much access you truly have with your iDevice.

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Research Journal Blog Post 2


The article named Critically Analyzing Information Sources is a wonderful research guide that gives you the steps in a much more involved and categorized manner than the first link that I have wrote about in my previous post. This current guide differentiated and categorized the idea into two main thought groups. Initial appraisal: which mainly included some aspects such as author, date of publication, edition, Revision and Publisher. On the other side of this manual the second stage of the detection process for good research material consisted from content analysis that included Audience, Objective process and many other important steps among those criteria of listing. Mainly the guides had a profound critical explanatory process just midway to the entire page. I think the most important question was if the author is credible and what type of audience is the author addressing. This fact ca changes the whole aspect of your research project by providing a different point of view and approach of observation.





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