Martin Chapter 7

I think nowdays most the researches are done or supported by the government or major corperations is because that most of the resources are in the hand of government and major corperations. The purposes of research are limited by this kind of control. The first rule of any corperation is to make growth and take profit, because it would simply not survive with out making profit, so the majority of the corporation will focus their researches on the highly profitable projiect, ect pharmaceutical company making new drugs, energy company researching new energy source… But not many researches are done in other field,just because they are not profitable. From my point of view, the world of research is like growing a tree, we just can not only grow one side of the tree — the scientific side, we also need to grow the moral side of the tree. We need to consider that why there has never been a time of peace for human world. Why we constantly fighting against each other? Why people stopped try to make our world a better place to live? May be some moral research will find some answer?

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