Research Topic Proposal

LIB 1201: 3930                                                                                                                     3/19/12

Simon Sachakov                                                                                        Research Topic Proposal

Research Topic Proposal

     The topic I would like to do my research project on for this course is Apple’s Digital Rights Management and how with each increasing attempt to inhibit use of digital content to consumers. Apple as a corporation is making it more and more difficult for the consumer to get the most use out of the product that they purchased. One such example of DRM that is imposed by apple onto its consumers is the inability to install third party apps meaning that you can only use your device to about 10% of its maximum capability because Apple limits exactly what you can and can’t do with the device you purchased with your own hard earned money. I personally believe that once you have paid for something you are the sole owner of that particular unit/item and have the right to do with that unit/item as you please. Unfortunately corporate conglomerates such as Apple don’t feel the same way and incorporate limits to stop you from using the products that you have paid your hard earned money for, in which ever so way you please. This topic is one of the most controversial topics in today’s day and age and I would really like to do research on this and expand my knowledge of this subject matter.

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