Monthly Archives: March 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Tomer Yakov Professor Ian Beilin LIB 1201 Due: March 28th Annotated Bibliography                                                             Work Cited   1) Adesina , O, Ademola.  “Ensuring the security and privacy of information in mobile health-care communication systems”. South African journal of science. Vol 107, No … Continue reading

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Annotated Bibliography

LIB 1201: 3930                                                                                                                      3/26/12 Simon Sachakov                                                                                           Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Bagley, Andrew William. “NYCCT – Databases – Off-campus Access.” NYCCT – Databases – Off-campus Access. Ebsco, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. <>. The immediate issue with regards to digital media is … Continue reading

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research project for class

in my research topic i was debeating between how social media affects the future of rich and wealth people and also should their be a back up plan for cyber attacks. i was very intrugied by these topics because the … Continue reading

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Newly Revised Research Topic

Tomer Yakov LIB 1201 Professor Ian Beilin Research Topic  My topic is concerning medical privacy laws and acts that are seen through out our legislator and state of NY. I will try to research concerning what is the meaning of … Continue reading

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Reseach Journal Blog Post-in mobile health-care communication systems

The idea of medical information in mobile health-care communication systems is very interesting and very much unknown. A lot of physician now a day enter and access HIPPA protected patient information via mobile devices and laptops. These devices do open … Continue reading

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Research Topic

The past weeks we’ve discussed how much privacy we have as people. Privacy has been a huge issue for social networkers using Facebook; Therefore, I’ll be discussing the problems people encounter when using this social network and how the Privacy Act is helping … Continue reading

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Research topic proposal

I intend to do a research paper on privacy. That may sound vague, which it is. Specifically, I’m going to investigate and write about being tracked online. This may sound like a topic that everyone knows about, but we’ve really … Continue reading

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Research Proposal

My printer is currently broken and i was unable to find a location to print. here is me DOCx with my proposal. OpenSource ethics document

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research topic proposal

Research Topic proposal Ever since the first day, we have discussed many important topics in this class. In addition, I believe most of us have learned many things from the readings, videos and fellow classmates. However, the topic that was … Continue reading

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Research Topic Proposal

LIB 1201: 3930                                                                                                                     3/19/12 Simon Sachakov                                                                                        Research Topic Proposal Research Topic Proposal      The topic I would like to do my research project on for this course is Apple’s Digital Rights Management and how with each increasing attempt to inhibit … Continue reading

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