Discussion # 6

The Triborough bridge is a structure I’m not exposed to as much majorly since I’m a Brooklyn resident and never felt the need to traverse any of its pathways. However, I do feel it’s a significant moment in engineering for the city. Having three of its boroughs connected and lessening travel times from one to another is a major accomplishment. I can envision the analogy that Robert Moses had when he said, “This will be an artery of the city.” It really accomplishes that reference from its physical construction to the flow of pedestrians and cars.

The bridge may also play a key component in the progress of the nation and city as it recuperated from the Great Depression.

Now, I’m sure MTA has control of this toll bridge as it does with all the other bridges in NYC and they persistently keep raising toll prices as if it weren’t difficult enough for the average New Yorker. I understand the concept of repaying in taxes and toll fees but the MTA has been known to be an agency that only seeks more profit without providing proper service.

Discussion Thread #6

Okay everyone, as we discussed yesterday afternoon here is Discussion Thread #6. It is a clip from a 1964 MTA documentary observing the 30th anniversary of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. Note when the announcer mentions the idea of Progress. That is not to say you have to write about that concept. I mention it because it came up in class yesterday. Write about the construction workers, the bridge opening, FDR, your own experience with the bridge, or whatever you like. As always, we are interested in what you have to say. Approach the discussion however you wish in the usual 100-300 words due by 11:59 pm on Sunday 25 October.