Discussion # 7

Referring to half of the semester, I can say that my exposure to Robert Moses has been widen. I knew about him from one of my previous classes. However, as it was mentioned in the beginning of class, the class would have a lot of relative talks about Robert Moses and his works.

One of the major things that this class had me realize is how big Robert Moses was throughout New York State and not only in “The City.” Nonetheless, he is a controversial figure in history. Because yes, he was able to achieve a lot of grand schemes but for some it was viewed as a successful sacrifice. Meanwhile, for others he was a person who didn’t really care for the poor at the time since it can be said that he gentrified many places.

It comes as no surprise that Robert Moses may be the person I chose since that is the person whom seemed so concretely founded upon New York States architectural designs.

One thought on “Discussion # 7”

  1. Nice post, Mike. And yes, his influenced extended beyond the five boroughs and across the state. He has been gone for nearly forty now and people will be arguing over his legacy for decades to come.

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