Final Exam Instructions (please read):
By opening and starting this exam, I accept and agree to the following:
- The Exam is available after 6:00pm and due by 7:15pm on 12/20/2021.
- Use 20 minutes to scan and submit my exam by 7:35pm via DropBox using this link. - Only handwritten work is accepted. No point given if the written work is missing. I need to show all the calculation steps to obtain credits.
- Submit my exam as one scanned pdffile only (No multiple files. No picture(s)). Photo ID must be on the first page for any credit to be given. In other words, NO ID CARD = 0%
- I must submit my work within the time limit. Any work submitted after 7:35pm carries a 15-point penalty. My exam will not be permitted to upload after 8:00pm and its grade will be considered as 0%.
- Attest that this is my own work and I am aware that academic dishonesty is prohibited in the City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.
- Independent works are required and respected. Any suspicious behavior related to cheating during the exam will be inspected. Cheating in the exam will result in an automatic zero score of the exam and an instructor note to my affiliated department and college. Further investigation and punishment will be handled by the University.
Oral Defense (Up to 30% of your test score)
- Until 12/27. Your class grades need to be up by December 28. If you do not interview by December 28, then “whatever happens happens”, there will be NO EXTENSIONS.
- Sign up here
- Timeslots in blue and green represent other Zoom locations I will be in.
- Be prepared to discuss three questions from the test. The quality of your answers will determine the remaining portion of your grade.
- If you do not interview, you will lose the points you could have had.
- e.g. If you scored 100 average on the written and WeBWorK portion of the test, then you will receive only 70% as a grade without the interview since the WeBWorK and the Written Work for the test count as 70% of the overall test.
- e.g. If you averaged a 70 on the written and WeBWorK portion of the test, you will then only receive a 49% as a grade.
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